Could it be because they ran out of Lips and Assholes to make them out of?
I IJ. Grumpy Old Man Mar 30, 2005 38,728 0 0 62 I come from a land down under May 27, 2009 #401 Could it be because they ran out of Lips and Assholes to make them out of?
ERA New Member Jul 31, 2006 1,934 0 0 34 any way the wind blows May 27, 2009 #402 Who coined the phrase, 'coined the phrase?'
LilMissMkIII That Aussie Chick Aug 18, 2006 4,110 0 0 40 Aussie Land May 27, 2009 #403 I don't know, but can you find out for me?
B buckshotglass I love all your sounds. Oct 21, 2006 4,081 0 0 Pa. __ __ __ _______ ___Don't shoot the messenger May 27, 2009 #404 Why would you measure a hot dog with string?
ERA New Member Jul 31, 2006 1,934 0 0 34 any way the wind blows May 27, 2009 #405 If a kid refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest?
LilMissMkIII That Aussie Chick Aug 18, 2006 4,110 0 0 40 Aussie Land May 27, 2009 #406 :biglaugh: Got anymore??
B buckshotglass I love all your sounds. Oct 21, 2006 4,081 0 0 Pa. __ __ __ _______ ___Don't shoot the messenger May 27, 2009 #407 anymore what?
NTRA08 TWINKY Jun 10, 2008 530 0 0 37 Conroe, Texas May 27, 2009 #408 Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?
tbcmorris SM Expert Thread Derailer Mar 14, 2007 1,820 0 0 40 PRUVEN PERFORMANCE MILFORD CT May 27, 2009 #409 was he?
B buckshotglass I love all your sounds. Oct 21, 2006 4,081 0 0 Pa. __ __ __ _______ ___Don't shoot the messenger May 27, 2009 #410 Did I miss something?
suprahero naughty by nature Staff member Aug 26, 2005 14,971 0 36 54 Roll Tide May 27, 2009 #411 What do you think you missed? How F***ing funny was the joke from the fifty six year old ERA about resisting a rest?...:biglaugh:
What do you think you missed? How F***ing funny was the joke from the fifty six year old ERA about resisting a rest?...:biglaugh:
ERA New Member Jul 31, 2006 1,934 0 0 34 any way the wind blows May 27, 2009 #412 How fast do hotcakes sell?
B buckshotglass I love all your sounds. Oct 21, 2006 4,081 0 0 Pa. __ __ __ _______ ___Don't shoot the messenger May 27, 2009 #413 Hey Jay, is your refrigerator running?
tbcmorris SM Expert Thread Derailer Mar 14, 2007 1,820 0 0 40 PRUVEN PERFORMANCE MILFORD CT May 27, 2009 #414 could he catch it if it was?
M MA70_Powa Boost Addict Jun 17, 2007 180 0 16 Tasmania May 27, 2009 #417 Why not some other pokemon?
LilMissMkIII That Aussie Chick Aug 18, 2006 4,110 0 0 40 Aussie Land May 28, 2009 #418 What about Squirtle?
Moy It's broken... Aug 6, 2008 2,432 0 36 Beach Park, IL May 28, 2009 #419 Seeing that both ERA and Pokemon are Asian, would another Pokemon not work?