Another one of those ‘Supra Vs Real Life’ advice threads.


Black Supramacist.
Mar 19, 2006
I know, I hate these type of threads too, but I could really do with some outside opinions right now.

I left High School at 16 (different schooling system here + I skipped a grade before anyone gets confused.) with some pretty decent grades, got into the college I wanted and did the

Mid way through the second term in October, one of my best friends from High school committed suicide, and then another friend from High School began seriously self harming himself. This on top of adapting the college life, sent me into a bit of a downwards spiral and dropped out

I got a job helping my father with his property development business from Nov – Jan/Feb. I made enough money to support my habit of buying project cars, getting bored with and selling them (I’ve already been through two BMWs and a Supra within the last year :D). Since then I’ve been unemployed living with I’ve tried looking for work and managed to get myself a couple interviews, but lack of experience plus no clue what I want to do with my life

So now I'm 17 and as it stands I can stay with my parents, continue to look for work in London and carry on living a ‘comfortable’ life. I still have enough money left over to pay my parents for my upkeep for a few more months and have enough to buy myself another Supra.


I can move 100 odd miles to another town with the Self-Harming friend I mentioned above, rent a place with him and have chance to grow up and hit the restart button on life, something I’ve been wanting to do for so long. Problem is that I know it would be a serious shock to the system, money would be tight and I’d have to grow up far quicker in order to survive away from mummy and daddy, and I’m not sure if I’m ‘ready’.

Any advice with be great guys, I don’t have a bloody clue what I should do!




I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Get back in school and fight it out.

I'd be in a LOT better place in my life right now if I had, don't make the same mistake.


5psi...? haha
Dec 6, 2005
Tracy, CA
dude... your only 17!!!! in all honesty, your still a 'kid', but im the same way, im 18 living at home attending a local college down the street.

if you can, attend a college while living at home, get any job you can find for some income, and just get your basic degree in anything! even general education, and THEN when you have like 5-10k saved up, consider moving out with somebody who doesnt have any major life issues, your friend needs help, and moving in with you isnt going to help either of you in all honesty.

best of luck in whatever you do, you seem like a pretty inteligent person.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
You are way too young to put yourself through the financial stresses by themself. Add to that, you will end up being a baby sitter to the self-harmer. Sure he needs some sort of help, but he's not your responsibility. You have to start thinking about your future.

So why did you stop working with your dad? A family business can be very lucrative if you don't screw it up. That would probably get you far better benefits than you could find elsewhere.

If you want to get out on your own, do as suggested, and get a degree. Then when you can afford to, you can support yourself.


Black Supramacist.
Mar 19, 2006
I stopped working with my dad because after we completed the last project (in feb), he decided to take a break from the property game until the market stabilizes itself out a bit. He says he’ll gone in as a silent partner on my own project, but I won’t be doing that for a few years.

Going through the education system and getting a degree seems like a happy medium, but I’m still stuck choosing what to study. I originally wanted to go into Law (that’s what I was originally studying), but once I started the course I wasn’t sure.

I see this as a great shot at a new and improved life, but all I can think of is the materialistic shite I won’t be able to afford. I guess that says to me more than anything that I’m not ready…


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Step away from the self destructive "mate" and I use that term loosely Josh.

You're young and have your life ahead of you the choices you make now will have repercussions later.

Topher E

Trance Head
Aug 4, 2005
Stay, you cannot have one person outside your family influence your life to the point of you wanting to move to help a what seems like unavoidable situation. Stay, get an education and new friends, you cannot save people from themselves.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
I am 21 almost 22 staying at home while I attend the academy because its cheaper, i pay a lil to them for rent and help with gorceries and am working too but its way cheaper if you can do it then do it, I don't always like it but it saves a lot and allows you less headaches, I lived on my own for a year and half in college and it was ok but not as good as now.


Black Supramacist.
Mar 19, 2006
What if going back to college while being at home was not an option?.

The parents are relocating to another country (Cyprus), meaning I'm pretty much screwed if I wanted to go back and study.

IJ.;1069477 said:
Step away from the self destructive "mate" and I use that term loosely Josh.

You're young and have your life ahead of you the choices you make now will have repercussions later.

I understand this completely, but I don't see how this move could do be any more harm than staying here and mooching off my parents.

Gah, I should have stayed at college :cry:...