Another cop with authority

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Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Some people are like that.

Believe me, I think that many of the Officers, had they not got accepted to the academy, would have turned into muggers or worse.

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
Doward;1283234 said:
Believe me, I think that many of the Officers, had they not got accepted to the academy, would have turned into muggers or worse.

Yep. Anyway judging by how much Powell was pariahed and how candid the Cheif's interview was (vs the usual "we're investigating" speil), I think Powell may have a bright future as a rent-a-cop, or at least be desk-bound for a good long while.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
This article points out an officers msitake, there is no defense for that, but being an LEO my obvious question is why didn't this indiviual call an ambulance? for one it's safe and more stable and increases patients chance of survival, for two you don't have a chance of the cops stopping you enroute and having some make a screw up like this, shame on the cop yes but it's not entirely his fault.

ambulances don't typically cost much if anything and I believe Dallas area is a city funded service meaning your tax dollars would cover it.

There are a lot of people with no business in law enforcement but the same goes for all other professions too, theres shitty emt's, mechanics, food service people, politicians (99.9% of these) and everything else hell I know fo shitty strippers.

Law enforcement and the CIA are very similar you never hear about the good things done on a daily basis but one screw up or bad egg and its all over the news and on here (this forum has seen a rash of anti LEO sentiment which isn't so nice since we have several members here who are).


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Wills7MGTE;1284647 said:
This article points out an officers msitake, there is no defense for that, but being an LEO my obvious question is why didn't this indiviual call an ambulance? for one it's safe and more stable and increases patients chance of survival,

And it doesn't apply when your mother is already in the hospital dying and you are simply trying to get there to see her before she goes... And some self important cockbite keeps you on the side of the road for 20 minutes, seemingly just to prove to you he can stuff his brass badge encased dick up your ass...

Did you actually read the article, or do you have reading comprehension problems?

7Mboost;1284678 said:
Wills7MGTE;1284647 said:
ambulances don't typically cost much if anything and I believe Dallas area is a city funded service meaning your tax dollars would cover it.
To me that comes off a little racist, where was anything about $ said?

And you...

If there's a bigot (not racist) in this thread, it might be you... While Will's reading comprehension skills may be lacking, at no point did he comment on anything about the race of the people involved here. How does bringing up the cost of ambulance services have anything to do with the color of the skin of the people involved? Are you assuming that because they are black they can't afford it? Did you happen to read that the guy involved is a fucking pro football player? They guy made $535,000 in 2009...

Who is the bigot here?


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
In all seriousness, I would have told the cop to fuck himself, and went into the hospital.

I might have gone to jail for battery on a LEO, but I'll be damned if he'd keep me from my dying mother's side.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
so the last thing your mother possibly sees is you getting cuffed and escorted out of her room? No thanks, my mom knows I love her, and I couldn't imagine putting her through that.

Just a hypothetical ?-
Could you call 911 and say Im gonna be speeding towards the hospital in a white 89 supra because my mother is dying... And somewhat avoid this?


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Difficult for an unconscious man to handcuff someone.

Could you? Possibly. I think it would depend, as I hear it can take up to 15 minutes to get in contact from dispatch to the officer. Could be wrong about that - I have no experience in the matter ;)


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Supracentral;1284692 said:
And it doesn't apply when your mother is already in the hospital dying and you are simply trying to get there to see her before she goes... And some self important cockbite keeps you on the side of the road for 20 minutes, seemingly just to prove to you he can stuff his brass badge encased dick up your ass...

Did you actually read the article, or do you have reading comprehension problems?

And you...

If there's a bigot (not racist) in this thread, it might be you... While Will's reading comprehension skills may be lacking, at no point did he comment on anything about the race of the people involved here. How does bringing up the cost of ambulance services have anything to do with the color of the skin of the people involved? Are you assuming that because they are black they can't afford it? Did you happen to read that the guy involved is a fucking pro football player? They guy made $535,000 in 2009...

Who is the bigot here?

Mike - I was racing to the reply box with these very thoughts in my head. It seems nobody reads a thread anymore before inserting their ignorance.

Will - Please read before posting! This was a piss poor cop all around. I contend that the guys involved here should have just gone towards the hospital like the women did. They weren't sticking around for his bullshit. If the guys had done the same thing, at least one of them would probably be dead right now. This inconsistent cop tried to "force control" on the guys, but let the girls go. If there really was any threat in the situation, he could have been a dead ass cop at the hands of one of those women he nonchalantly let wander away! He is a half ass cop in my eyes, and a danger to himself.

I don't have any problem with cops in general. Most of them get paid way to little to do what they do. I am seeing way to many examples lately of piss poor cops, who should have never been hired in the first place. These kind of cops are getting far too common place. However, in the eyes of the law, they are still better than anyone in the public. It's a damn shame.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Wills7MGTE;1285375 said:
Supracentral, can you make a reply without being insulting or inflamatory, and to answer your question no I did not and will not read the article.

I'm well aware of the fact that I can do so. However when it's obvious someone comes into a thread like this and makes ridiculious statement due to the fact they didn't read the source material, I feel they deserve it.

The fact that you state you "will not read the article" means you're being willfully ignorant, which is even worse than sloppily or accidentally ignorant.

Since a picture is worth 1,000 words:


IJ.;1285379 said:
Let me get this straight a few of you are saying it would be ok for this guy to break the law so he could get to the hospital in time to see his dying mother?

Yes, this is why we have a jury system. You put me on a jury and I'm going to find him not guilty due to the extenuating circumstances. This simple power that many people forget we have (at least we do here in the US) is what keeps law from becoming tyrannical.

Provided the information in the article is true (he stopped at the intersection and made sure it was safe before proceeding) he took reasonable steps to be sure he didn't endanger the public.

He didn't unreasonably threaten anyone's life, liberty or property. Obviously the police department agrees.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
If that story was written as it happened, I would believe the accused did run the light safely. We are talking about a prima dona NFL player. He was classy enough to never mention the fact that he was, not using it to his benefit. That fact alone put me on his side. The cop showed very little class at all. I do give him credit for paying some attention when they taught him to always keep situations under his control. But, at some point, if he had any human qualities, he needed to let them take over. Maybe he didn't have any.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Honestly, I'll go one step further than Mike and say if you're NOT going to read the article, DON'T post. It's the same as not reading and thread.

You can't comment on something unless you know WTF you're commenting about. It's borderline trolling...

Back to the discussion at hand, the cop has said he's sorry, the family has accepted, but the debate on if he pointed his gun at them is still an issue.


Supramania Contributor
"Cop who stopped NFL player in hospital lot resigns" AP News

Wow! I still think the officer pulled Moats over rightfully so and drew his weapon out of self defense. I personally feel that our elected officials, authority's, civil servants should set an example of how the citizens they serve should conduct themselves. The authority figure in this situation lowered himself down to the level of "thug" right along with Moats and now he pays the price. The officers lack of professionalism gave the city a easy out in diffusing the situation and he was forced to resign.
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New Member
Sep 17, 2007
Coastal Georgia
Why are we to blame that cop when the finger might be better pointed at the department? Not sure if or how large of an exadgeration Poodles statement was about this happening with some frequency.

"I made this decision in the hope that my resignation will allow the Dallas Police Department, my fellow officers and the citizens of Dallas to better reflect on this experience, learn from the mistakes made, and move forward," Powell said in a statement issued through his attorneys.

Sounds like he was forced into resigning to save the PD. Did he get a severance package with it?

Bob Gorsky, Powell's attorney, said his client felt it was "time to move on." He said Powell had no immediate employment plans but hopes to return to law enforcement.

How long does he wait untill he become highway patrol? Or sheriff?


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
whowouldfigga;1286234 said:
The authority figure in this situation lowered himself down to the level of "thug" right along with Moats

I have serious issues with your ways of thinking. Moats....a thug???? C'mon!!!!!!! I'd like to see if you calmly drove the speed limits and waited on every red light along the way at 3 a.m. some morning, just after they called you and said your mother was at the hospital, and would be dead in 15 minutes. Just because he is a black does not make him a thug. I thought he handled himself in a fairly decent manner under the circumstances.

BTW........Not only was this cop an ass.....but he took away this man's last chance to see the woman alive! All over a silly light color. The other charges are BS in my opinion. If the story was correct, he STOPPED and made sure it was safe to proceed, before running the light. The police have not tried to deny that either.
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