Announcing the PacNW Suprafest Nationals, August 4-6th!!


New Member
Jul 15, 2005
Van, BC
Alright ladies and gentlemen, the wait is finally over. We sincerely apologize for the huge delay in finalizing the dates, there were various issues making it difficult to get these bookings made this year. You may have noticed the event name. This year we are hosting the famed PacNW Supra Nationals up here in the Greater Vancouver area in BC. It was decided that the Suprafest crew (BC’s own annual all gen Supra meet usually held in Kelowna) would team up with Duane (Upgradedsupra) and combine the two events to make what we hope will be the biggest Supra meet ever in the North West! So the official name of this event for this year only is the PacNW Suprafest Nationals. Next year there will be a separate SupraFest and Nationals again.

Your organizers this year are Duane Stephens (upgradedsupra), Seamus Epp (SupraFiend) and Matt Oginski (Teraka). We hope to see as many of you at this meet as possible! Please check our forums regularly for the latest up to date info for this meet, at

-Seamus Epp
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Pie + NYQuil = FTW
Apr 5, 2005
Edmonds, Wa
Waaaa hooo.

My wife is going to request it off today as am I.

Maybe we will come down thursday night so we can be @ the whole dyno day.

Also; discounted rates for 3 base pulls on the dyno or how will you guys be working this out?


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
i hope we can organize a large group to cruise up to canada together. Best part of making these meets is seeing the cars actually drive faster than 5 mph through the parking lot


Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
americanjebus said:
i hope we can organize a large group to cruise up to canada together. Best part of making these meets is seeing the cars actually drive faster than 5 mph through the parking lot
I should be ready for this one, so I'm down for a caravan. :icon_bigg

<----Post 666 :evil5:


Supramania Contributor
Have to ask, but what are the requirements for getting into and out of Canada Eh? (Sorry, but it was too tempting...)

Passport needed?

Other than that, I've been looking forward to this one since Portland last summer.

Just pulled my calendar.. Looks like on the 6th I have to be in Rapid City, SD to work the Sturgis HD event... (We insure the most bikes in the nation, so we get lots of claims over Sturgis.)

So, I think I can work out showing up a day later on Monday the 7th, and still make the meet in Vancouver, BC.

What is planned for Saturday and Sunday? I figure I'll drive up on Thursday, do the dyno and everything else for the weekend, and then take off when I need to leave to catch my flight to Sturgis either Sunday or Monday.


Mar 30, 2005
Bellingham, WA
to get in and out of canada, you need either a passport, or your drivers license AND your birth cert. there may be other documents you can use in place of the birth cert., but thats what i use.


New Member
Jul 15, 2005
Van, BC
Adjuster said:
What is planned for Saturday and Sunday? I figure I'll drive up on Thursday, do the dyno and everything else for the weekend, and then take off when I need to leave to catch my flight to Sturgis either Sunday or Monday.

Sorry, didnt' see this till now. Check out our forums, for the complete event listings. The show and shine is on sunday but it will be ending around 3pm.


New Member
Jul 15, 2005
Van, BC
Hey all, there&#8217;s been lots of new stuff with this meet lately, please have a read through this, some very important stuff here&#8230;

First off, our Sponsor list for is announced, 7 in all this year! We won&#8217;t be announcing the prizes for the raffle that these companies are contributing till later, but see here for all the companies that have pledged to kick in some swag, parts or gift certificates&#8230;

Next up, we have some exciting announcements to make in terms of magazine coverage and a special movie/documentary that is in the works! Check it out here&#8230;

Also, our long awaited flyer is all done and ready for download here (in PDF or DOC format)&#8230;

It wouldn&#8217;t be a bad idea to bring a copy with you when you come, but more importantly we are encouraging everyone to print off a bunch and keep them with you in the car to give to Supra owners you meet whom aren&#8217;t on the forums. Lets spread the word and make this the biggest and best meet possible!

Next up, I&#8217;ve started an Accommodation thread for people who would like to crash at someone&#8217;s place here but don&#8217;t know anyone. If you are one of those people or you have some space to house a Supra owners in need, check out this thread and make a post! It would be a shame if people didn&#8217;t make it up for this meet just due to the cost of accommodations.

If you haven't registered yet, you've missed the deadline and we've had to finalize our budget without your contribution. We are betting on a few last minute registrations however, so you all have till the 26th to get your registrations paid via PayPal. Registrations after that date will still be taken but only in cash or with an Interac email transfer ( ). We will accept registration fees at the show but it really screws us up as we need the cash beforehand to pay the bills and plan all of our expenses.

Any profit we make over our stated costs will be put towards the food bill for the weekend to make it cheaper for everyone. Please get those registrations in and encourage everyone you can to come. This meet will be worth the drive, don&#8217;t let the distance discourage you, its really not that bad. Hell, I made it down to California for TORCFest this spring (and won Longest Distance Traveled!), I&#8217;m sure you guys can make it to Vancouver. With all the things we have planed, this could be the biggest and best Supra meet the North West has seen yet, one you won&#8217;t want to miss!


Currently we have about 10 of the 25 spots sold for the autox. It will go on either way, but what percentage of the cars racing are Supras is entirely up to you. Unless there&#8217;s a big flood of autox registrations this weekend I will be inviting a local AE86 Corolla GTS club to come autox with us on Monday. There are many people who have registered who were undecided about participating in the autox. Well if you decide to go for it this weekend you can still PayPal in the 25 bucks (plus PayPal fees). We will be able to sign Supra owners up on the spot and will continue accepting autox payments online after Monday, but if you want to keep the Supras to non Supras ratio high, do it now! If you have misgivings about this whole &#8220;autox&#8221; thing, and the risks and such, have a read over the thread for it on our forums, I posted some additional info to address common misconceptions and people&#8217;s concerns&#8230;.
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New Member
Jul 15, 2005
Van, BC
If you haven't registered yet, you've missed the deadline and we've had to finalize our budget without your contribution. We are betting on a few last minute registrations however, so you all have till the 26th to get your registrations paid via PayPal. Registrations after that date will still be taken but only in cash or with an Interac email transfer ( ). We will accept registration fees at the show but it really screws us up as we need the cash beforehand to pay the bills and plan all of our expenses.

Lets get those last minute registrations in! This is going to be a great show, its looking like we will have at least 50 Supras in attendance! All award catagories are a go, but the more people we can get signed up the better!


New Member
Oct 13, 2005
wow the mk3's really have us out numbered! I think we had more mk2's at the winter meet this year then we will at the fest.