Always freakin tired...need advice


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
Ok so I know two things about myself that account to this I THINK....

Im hypoglycemic and (dont know if its related to that but) I also have a very high metabolism. Gaining weight is hard as hell and Im stuck at 140lbs right now.

Lately at work, and even just during my day to day, I start to get extremely tired to the point where I think Im just gonna pass out on the spot. Ive tried taking vitamins, daily, eating right, sleeping my 8 hrs a night, ona set schedual. I just cant seem to figure it out. I notice if I have a few crackers every 20 mins or so I wake up a little but I dont know.

MY GUESS is that my high metabolism is fuckin with my hypoglycemia, I already have to eat more than usual to keep me going but DAMN. Im 21 whens this shit slow down!

Anywyas, I was just wondering who knew any ideas for me on this subject? Energy drinks dont work either, they give me a 20 min rush then Im flat out worse than before.

OH And I tried one of those VitaminWaters the other day, it was the Mutli-V one (Lemonade) and about 5 mins after I was done my right side of my chest began to hurt bad. Well it didnt stop til last night (which was more than 24 hrs later).


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
Ric said:
Go running 1-2 miles every night. Just because your metabolism is high, doesnt mean your out of shape.

Yeah I need to build up to that. I dont know if im THAT outta shape or what but I cant run very far b4 I feel sick to my stomach and dizzy.


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
Maybe go get a sleep study. I've had 4. I was first diagnosed with sleep apnea, then had the surgeries and fixed that problem. But, I still have RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome). So, you might have something like that and you aren't getting into REM sleep (quality sleep). Just my input.


Formerly Got Boost?
Apr 3, 2005
Houston, Tx
phoenix6 said:
Alright Ill start doin this. Thanks Ric

I wonder if you run the same way you Maybe just a faster version of your walk.

Like someone else suggested though, go see a doctor. If not, the next time I head down to see my sister, I can take you with me and you can talk to David's dad. He's a family physician....I think....either way, he's a doctor of something along those lines.


Shut up,bitch!!
Apr 1, 2005
Sunny California
your simply posessed by demons.
no,just go see a doctor before you do fall asleep,like behind the wheel of your car. somethings f'd up in your system and your body is trying to tell you in the only way it knows:aigo: ::hang:: :barf:


that's it!
Sep 30, 2006
Salem, Oregon
Invest in a gym membership if you can afford it. There are aboslutely no drawbacks to going to the gym. At least none that I can think of. Also like they've said above, look at your eating habits, and maybe look at your sleeping patterns as well.


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
I'm the same way..

Super skinny, super fast metabolism, and the more I sleep, the more tired I feel..

All I can say is stay active, because ironically, I love jobs when you bust your fucking ass, and sweat like a mule, but currently I'm a cashier...

not much to do there....


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
AFoneJZ said:
Maybe go get a sleep study. I've had 4. I was first diagnosed with sleep apnea, then had the surgeries and fixed that problem. But, I still have RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome). So, you might have something like that and you aren't getting into REM sleep (quality sleep). Just my input.
ding ding..............we have a winner


May 26, 2006
Denver, Colorado
You have mononeucleosis. no joke i had it for 3 years. really still have it but its not as bad. You cant get rid of it, all it does is hide away in your body lessing in effect. go to the doctor and tell them you think you have that and they might be able to help.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
i had that. i wonder sometimes if thats what makes me tired still.

but i think its partialy psycollogical. if you believe you will get better, you will. along with being sick (cold). if you think you're going to stay sick forever, you will.

mono doesnt really stay with you i believe, its the antibodies. thats why you always will show positive for it, because once you develop an antibody after you're out like a rock for 2 weeks, you always have those antibodies, and since the test they run looks for specific antibodies, you will always "have mono" but you'll be fully recovered. initially i think they just look for very high white blood-cell count. it has strep-throat like symptoms in some people (like i did) and in other people, it can be totally different. one symptom is definitely fatigue though. so seeing a doctor is step #1. and if you have mono you have a high risk of spleen rupture from getting hit (swollen spleen), so contact sports and bar fights are a baaad idea.

exercise in conjunction with a doctor is step #2.

running should help, like the others said..i started running a few weeks ago and it helped me. and some people feel sick when they run, you have to work up to it.

just try and see a doctor, if you're not healthy to run you might do damage. i dont know this, but if something serious is wrong, you could hurt yourself.