I used the -6 aluminium lines front to back. To avoid the flare tool, there are these fittings that I used to connect the aluminium to the short sections of flexible pushlok hose to connect to the external pump and filters, as well as the rail and the regulator.
Again, be sure the shield the lines from debris (use the factory shielding where possible, or make your own). I just dremeled the notches in the factory clamps out to fit the larger lines in place of the stock ones.
Depending on where you live and the additive package the oil companies put in the gas, flexible lines will leach the smell of gas, and I wanted to avoid that at all costs. Canadian fuel in particular has a reputation for it...even the hose makers like earls and aeroquip acknowledged it after a few owners here went to braided teflon core hose and still noticed the smell. Aluminium or stainless hard lines were the only way to avoid it as much as possible.