Whats the best bang for the buck Alternator Upgrade? I'm not gonna be running any killer stereo, disco lights etc. I want a nice 100+ amp Alt. & have planed on getting a new 3SGTE one but I'm finding 130 & 160amp ones on ebay for ~$100 or so. I want brighter crisper lights all around w/o any voltage drop that I now see with the stock ALT. I already have done the Head,Fog, & Parking light wiring upgrade with relays but I'm getting voltage drop when all my lights are on. I still plan on upgrading the stock Grnd wires & adding a few more & thought I would upgrade the ALT also. Any one have suggestions &/or feed back on the Alt below? Oh the $500.00 Stinger is not in budget & bit overkill for my needs