Thanks for all the great info in this thread it seems i have a bracket for the "smaller alt" and have a big alt If anyone its interested Pm me Thanks 

Try Gates part number K050459, it worked for my 7M, with ATI crank damper and the Beech relocation bracket. Vanmanofanhour;1709996 said:Just wondering if anyone could help, I have the Lipp relocation bracket almost installed. Should be done after a few more trips to NAPA for some better fitting bolts. The issue that I am running into is the belt that came from SupraSport seems to be way, WAY to long. After pullling the AC compressor, the belt going around the alt. should only be going around the alt, crank, and fan correct? If this is the case, does anyone know how long the belt should be will all stock parts?
This bracket is starting to get to me, but I feel that I am getting very close to being done installing it. Any help would be great.