Alright guys. I think I narrowed it down today. I was driving around, went to 2 garages (I get off at 5, and most close by then) and got some ideas. The one garage told me he had to take my car apart and find what was wrong, at that point I left that one and said goodbye. The 2nd garage was closer and told me its coming from the timing belt and pully tensioner making noise. So then I went to Advance Auto to get some prices on timing belts and pulleys and to also talk to a guy I used to work with there at a different AA. When me and him both went outside took look at the motor, I noticed something way outta wack for the first time. I told my friend about how the last garage said it was something to do with the timing belt. So we we're looking down there with the motor running and saw the crank pully, the one with the 3 belts, VIBRATING at idle, a decent amount too! But when you rev it up, it "balanced" itself out and the noise goes away for the most part. That would explain why the noise is louder underneath and why I can feel that vibration all the way in my shift knob. Because that vibration is going thru the crank into the tranny. Right? So anyways my friend told me the harmonic balancer (do Supras have that?) is either fooked up, or the crank inside is bent making it vibrate like that. And if it is bent, he said its scarring all the bottom end parts with it. Does this make sense to you guys? I tried to explain it the best I can. If you have question feel free to ask me. I really wanna figure this out and see if its a major problem. Any advice? Something else to look for? :1zhelp: