alignment shop f**ked up my alignment.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
super51fan;1973914 said:
Maybe you will get lucky and have someone that have aligned a supra before. Maybe.

It doesn't work that way. The "old" guy mentioned in the previous post has aligned much more difficult crap like Ford trucks that need camber kits. The Supra is an easy alignment, unless the hardware is frozen.


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
Most decent alignment machines will have information set in their programming that has a read out for factory alignment specifications. Some/most of these will also have a place for you to adjust the parameters that determine what specification should be (the machines we had at the college I went to had a place to insert ride height measured from the center of the wheel to the fender). That'll change the specifications and will give a small range of where the alignment should be for best driveability. The readings for camber/toe/caster for each setting could be different as long as within spec range and as long as the total for each is within spec.

Hopefully the new shop and alignment works out well for you