Al-Queada, says not giving up.


Dec 20, 2005
Jdub - Thanks bro what you said is really nice I appreciate it.

HellsLegion - It's allright I live in Jordan now cause life is too hard in Iraq and i'm starting a new life and of course wherever I move my supra moves with me ;) and If people ask about Jordan and it's mk3 community there's a good number of mk3s here the other day I saw a nice white 1jz swapped 92 it's a real nice car and I saw many other ones too.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
bigaaron said:
BS, they put him in front of it for a reason, and he said exactly what was on the banner.

Of course, it is called a photo op. The reason he was on the boat in the first place is the same reason.

It was the ship's banner. The ship asked that it be placed out there.

The Prez said:
Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country.”
Did he know it would take this long? No. Did he acknowledge that it could? Yes. It was stated that it could take weeks or even years. Major combat operations is the 3rd ID going up against the Republican Guard. That is over. They are in policing operations and training. The resistance comes from those that do not want a free Iraq. Or at least their version. I will not say they are just like us. That would not be true. It is their constitution, not ours.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
The Captain sums it up best. No, it isn't the captain of the USS Lincoln.

Ger Spaulding said:
Yesterday, 1 May 2006, you had a field day marking the third anniversary of President Bush's landing on USS Abraham Lincoln to deliver what you relish in mischaracterizing as his "Mission Accomplished Speech."

First, he never said "mission accomplished." What he said was, “Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country.”

For you uninitiated media twerps and so-called leaders of the Democrat Party, the phrase "major combat operations" means army on army, tank on tank, air force on air force, etc. That's what the phrase has always meant. Bush was exactly correct when he said "major combat operations have ended," because the Iraqi military had been utterly defeated and -- on their own -- disbanded and went into hiding among the general population. He was also correct in saying, " our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country.” He was defining the next mission, one in which we are still engaged and one in which we are succeeding dramatically despite the best efforts of the insurgents, the liberal media and the Democrat Party.

Now, about that "Mission Accomplished" sign. Surely you recall that the Lincoln was on her way home from a long deployment at the time the war started, was turned around before reaching port and sent back out on a lengthy, unscheduled second deployment in support of the war. When the president landed on her deck, she was finally on her way home from that unscheduled second deployment and was very proud of the fact that she had accomplished the additional mission laid on her even as Lincoln families had been anticipating the imminent return of their loved ones. And as you know, when they learned the president would be making a speech from the flight deck of their ship, the crew of the Lincoln asked permission to hang that sign to let their families and the world share in their pride. Every time you idiots politicize the "Mission Accomplished" banner, you denigrate not only the crew of the Abe Lincoln, but every military unit that feels pride in accomplishing its mission on behalf of its country. Shame on you! Shame on you!

So, here's a message to you liberal media and Democrat leaders: you can take your mischaracterizations and outright lies about what you call the "Mission Accomplished speech" and shove them right up your collective, traitorous asses until you choke on them.

Ger Spaulding
Colorado Springs, CO