Have you ever been sitting in traffic and your airbag randomly decides go off in your face. Well that happened to me today. FU AIRBAG:: angry ::
tylerjacobsen85;1532242 said:It didn't hurt my face, but it did hurt my hand. There was some people around, but I think all they saw was the smoke. I couldn't feel my hand for like 10 mins. It sucked, I don't understand why it went off.
hvyman;1532322 said:One reason why i hate air bags. Some times they go off some times they dont. Sometimes they go off when there not supposed.
We used to blow up the warrantied ones and my god, i think id rather have the seat belt break and hit the wheel.
damn that sucks when mine went off cause i hit a curb it fucked up my face broke my nose busted lip it sucked so i feel your pain...but idk why thats weird....
RazoE;1532270 said:what kind of car is it? looks german, kinda..
glad to hear you're okay though, those things have some FORCE..
mr.volvo;3029000 said:Nice try, but.... Fail, indeed. First off, that's not an airbag. I have seen way too many of them, removed them after deployments, installed new ones. That aint no airbag. Secondly, that random deployment you speak of: It doesn't happen. Do you know how the system works, and how it's designed to deploy, or not deploy? Thirdly, like someone else mentioned, if you had a deployment, there would be lots of dust and residue in and on the interior surfaces of the car, which there is a noticeable lack of. You didn't do that good of a cleanup job, I dont think. My biggest question is, what in the hell inspired this? All that jazz with Toyota owners making up "my car mysteriously took off on it's own and scared me" stories? I have seen some bizzare stuff, but this stunt is truly bizzare. Would you like me to give you the name and number of a couple of Volvo Field Technical Specialists, that would be interested as hell, to investigate a "random deployment" in one of their cars? I guarantee you, they would come right out to see this. You might even be entitled to a settlement of some sort. If it were true, that is. Which it's not.
tylerjacobsen85;1532864 said:So I post this on turbobrick.com(volvo forum) too, Check out what this one guy said.
tylerjacobsen85;1532864 said:So I post this on turbobrick.com(volvo forum) too, Check out what this one guy said.
tylerjacobsen85;3029387 said:YOU FAIL AT LIFE and don't ever call me a liar
There was dust and most of it was on me.