Air filter test data


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
origionally posted by Shawndude:

An independent laboratory test was conducted on the Diesel Place forums on air filters. One can read further about all the details from the origin:

For the MKIII application, it merely shows a correlation between filtering efficiency and airflow. Hopefully the results should not be surprising to anyone.

FILTER % Efficiency

AC Delco 99.93%
Baldwin 99.72%
No name filter 99.32%
AFE ProGuard 99.23%
WIX/Napa 99.03%
Purolator 98.73%
Amsoil, new style 98.63%
UNI 97.93%
K&N 96.80%

FILTER RESTRICTION in Inches of water ( 1 inch of water = 0.036 psi).

K&N 4.54
No Name filter 4.78
AFE Pro Guard 7 Panel 4.99
Purolator 5.05
WIX/Napa 5.06
UNI 5.40
Baldwin 5.71
Amsoil 5.88
AC Delco 6.23