

LP Performance & off road
Apr 21, 2007
Sugar Hill, Georgia, United States
I’m sooooooooo frustrated with this crap...
Ok so I need to vent here...
So ill start from the beginning...
So I found this supra in auto trader for 2500... ended up buying it for 1200. It’s a 88 turbo with a little less than 65000 original miles on it. It already had a DP, intake, boost gauge, and MBC. It needed allot of bodywork done so I took care of that... the motor ran ok but was over heating. At 1st I thought blown HG. So I said screw it and turned the boost up to 12psi. Then I knew it had a BHG lol so I took the head out to find scored cylinder walls on 2 cylinders... so I said screw it and rebuild it. And do it right... so I ordered .40 over JE pistons & rings, eagle rods, all new bearings, ARP hardware, titan MHG, OEM oil pump (shimmed it), all new gaskets new timing belt, aluminum radiator, etc…. so everything from the oil pump up is new... oh and rebuilt head with 3 angle valve job...

Ok so after a couple months of getting everything together I finally get it back... and 1st off it runs like crap... wont idle for long at all. Spits and misses... runs extremely rich and burns a butt load of oil. (3 qts. in less than 300 miles) and at about 270 miles it now has knock.... so the codes said AFM and "open " knock sensors. So it now has a little over 300 miles on it and I just changed the oil, oil filter, new AFM, and new spark plugs (because the old ones were fouled.) when I drained the oil it was the blackest oil I have ever seen... and I started it up and the knock is getting worse...

So hears where I’m at right now...
I’ve put over 4k into this motor... giving it only the best... and it runs like it has 250000 miles on it... and sounds like a freaking diesel...
And I’m NOT paying for this to be fixed...
It’s either my mechanic's, the machine shop's, JE piston’s, eagle rod’s, or chevette bearings fault...
So saying allll that... what should I do!!!??? I almost just want to sell the car... but I know ill never get my money back... I just want my supra to run like I built it to....

Sorry 4 the long post... just trying to vent... this sucks...
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creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Another satisfied customer. If it's burning oil you can expect the plugs to be fouled and the oil black. Sounds like whomever did the overhaul didn't know what they were doing. I'm curious, where does a 17 year old get 4 kilobux to blow on an engine? Man, times sure have changed...


LP Performance & off road
Apr 21, 2007
Sugar Hill, Georgia, United States
i own my own busness... i do high end home theater and commercial a/v systems.... and ive been saveing for a wile to do a project car... and ive actualy got like 7k total into the car... the only thing i didnt do my self is building the motor...


Supramania Contributor
Make the shop that did the work rebuild your motor again, or refund your money, and pay for the parts that will have to be replaced. (IE, rings or pistons and rings, bearings etc.)

Sounds easy, but it is not. (I actually have not had much luck personally on this, but see what you can do.)

Sometimes, the best you can get is them agreeing to discount everything, but if you paid with your credit card, you might have some more leverage.

You can put the entire charge in dispute, and you will need to write down what was done, and what is going on, but the CC company takes the money away from the vendor/shop, and does not pay it back untill the dispute is resolved. (Use this as a last resort, the CC likes to see that you made an effort to resolve the problem first.)

Good luck.


May 25, 2007

...sorry for your misfortune.

Sounds like this particular shop was full of BONE-HEADS.:icon_mad:



WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
Sucks man. You never mention you trying to fix anything yourself to solve that sputter problem from the begining...did you? what did you do to try to fix it? Personally if i would of heard those noises from a new engine and it acted the way you describe first place i would have gone is back to the shop who built it and had them check it out.....not put 4K on the engine and hope it will work itself out. For all the shop knows you didn't know how ot properly break in the engine, so you turned up the boost to test it and blew some stuff out of wack. Sorry to say don't count on getting anything from the shop unless they're really stand up guys down there.


The Asshole
Jun 22, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
oh boy..... 1st off send some cash my way ;) j/k sorry to hear about all this this is why i cant trust a shop to work on my baby, my dad always tells me to take the car to shop when something is acting funny but hell no there are hardly any shops in GA that have even seen a mk3 supra so i just did all my work my self granted it takes longer but if something brakes i have noone to blame but my self


LP Performance & off road
Apr 21, 2007
Sugar Hill, Georgia, United States
ya i got a recept and i did try to fix it.. the codes said the afm was bad so i got a new one and now it dosent run ritch or pour black smoke under boost(= but it still runs like crap... theres still the knock sensor code.. im gana try to re wire the sensors... maby that will fix that... and im NOT haveing the same guy rebuild my moter this time... im thinkin about going 2j.... i should have dont that in the 1st place...


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY

Ah, the cure-all for FUBAR engine rebuilds, the 2JZ. You'll never need to work on it. Wait, if a 7M can't be rebuilt properly, then how in the hell is a 2JZ going to be installed and running properly?


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
It doesn't matter, its such an awesome super-motor it doesn't matter how hacked the swap is! It just works! 1000HP here we come!


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
hey, nothing wrong with getting fed up with a 7m and going jz (then again i went from 7mge to 1jz). Make the shop pay for it, they released the motor to you, or make your mechanic pay, he gave you the car when he knew it wasnt running right.


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
well first off,
you cant be too mad at the shop. Half the blame is yours.

when you heard rod knock why did you keep driving? (you make it sound like you still drive it too) which is just SILLY. thats like driving a ticking timebomb.

You should get the things to do it yourself, and yank the engine and pull the oil pan and head, and start inspection.

My guess is the rings didnt seat right, or the ring gaps are aligned (they arent supposed to be) thus letting copious amounts of oil through.

My suggestion is to tear it down and rebuild it yourself. you might as well learn how to build an engine, so next time you can do it yourself, and only have yourself to blame.
Plus, we are here to help you, S.M. has alot of top-of-the-line mechanics that im sure know alot more then your mechanic there, because here, we specialize in supra's =)

goodluck, hopefully you can figure it out, and hopefully what i said doesnt sound too stupid.


The Asshole
Jun 22, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
starscream5000 said:

Ah, the cure-all for FUBAR engine rebuilds, the 2JZ. You'll never need to work on it. Wait, if a 7M can't be rebuilt properly, then how in the hell is a 2JZ going to be installed and running properly?

you made me giggle like a school girl with that last comment.


LP Performance & off road
Apr 21, 2007
Sugar Hill, Georgia, United States
now im thinkina about doing it myself... i know i can do it.. i know that 7m like the back of my hand by now... i just need a few tools.. engine stand, torq wrench, the thing you put the pistons in with... and a timing light.. thats about it... i have the rest...