Well my friends were cruising around looking for an auto store, when they look and OH SHIT they see my car. They follow it, the 2 driver's parked in a jack in the box, my friends go to the nearest payphone and call me, saying where it is, said "Craig it's your car, come get it". So at this time I call my mom to come pick me up, tell my friends to stay there, don't let anybody in that car, and I called the Sherrif's station to alert them of what was going on. My friends parked across the street and ran over to the car. There was a cop on a bike SITTING IN THE PARKING LOT (Approx 20 ft from my car) smoking a cigarette. They ran to him and said "That's my friend Craig's stolen car!" The cop said hold on let me finish my cigarette. So he finished it and they waited, one of the guys came out and grabbed sunglasses out of the car. COP DREW HIS GUN and got the fucker on the ground (Near 110 degree hot black tar pavement). His friend saw what was going on and split. Right around this time I was almost there and 1 sherrif in a truck came in, as well as 2 more in seperate cars. So now I pull up, see my car, my friends, 4 cops (3 chp one local) and the bastard they caught. I just get out, and give him the dirtiest fucking look I've ever given anybody. Satan would have shuddered. The guy started saying it wasn't me, it wasn't me, and as he talked his chin quivered and I could tell he was on the VERGE of crying. So I check the car, they clipped things from my stereo, took my discman, 2 cds, my work badge and pin, and left the car a fucking mess although still in-tact and cleanable. So I walk over to the guy and I just start glaring at him. He starts to quiver and shake and talk to himself, and here I am, trying to not to smile in happiness, as I see him sitting in handcuffs. Well he rats out his friend (Apparently the first arrested was the passenger). So as we wait the cops check out his story. They drive to the house he pointed out to them, and come back with
2 more people! One guy won't even look at me, and the other guy just stares at the ground, slightly long hair, didn't match the driver profile too well. So I ask what's up with these guys. Well apparently the guy that split when his friend was arrested was the driver, and he has been caught. The first arrest was the passenger. The 3rd arrest, was searched, and CAUGHT WITH CAR THEFT TOOLS (Slim Jim, Lock picking things, Other misc. things used to break into cars) and the cops soon found out that he's on probation! So we've got the 3 in handcuffs and I am just having the greatest time possible. The workers inside identified the young men and said those were the ones that were driving, and my friends also identified them. So we've got the 3 in handcuffs, I say I'm gonna have fun and take a picture. And what do you know, the cops hold them up and pose for pictures! I got 2 ones which are posted below and my mom got one in a higher quality that I will post later tonight. So at this point these kids are just feeling sooo sorry for themselves, and I am enjoying ever fucking second of this. This was an EXTREME high point in my life, nothing is better than the feeling of true justice! So we signed the paperwork and pointed out things to the officers and blah blah blah it's time to depart. I repeatedly ask the local officer if I can beat them, and he just sort of chuckled and said unfortunately no, you can't. So The arrested low-lifes each get in their own cop car to ride in, and I thank the officers 50,000 times. The car will still be reported stolen for the next ~24 hours, so he says to drive home, gave me a slip to clear it in case I get pulled over, and leave the car at home. So the cops begin to depart, I blow kisses to them and wave goodbye, yelling thanks to the officers, and especially to the local one who took care of everything and was definetely the most involved. So after blowing kisses to the assholes that stole my car as they drove off, my mom followed me home and I parked the car in a very hard to get out spot, and lets just say the car won't start, I'm buying an alarm and a wheel locker tonight.
Let this be a lesson to those who do not have any kind of anti-theft or alarm systems on their cars! It does not matter what kind of car you drive or what the condition of it is, it can be stolen very easily! Also make sure you have theft insurance! My family was surprised to hell when we discovered the theft insurance we thought we had didn't exist, now that I have the car back mine as well as my mom's car both have full insurance.
Thank you to supraforums, the admins, everyone that helped with the search including my friends, the officers, and every person that was affected by this event! I hope this can be a positive situation and other's can learn from this and be benefited by it! Have a great day, this is the best day of my life!
Unfortunately I was only able to talk to the 1st one arrested, and boy did I make him feel fucking stupid. I told him of the over 50+ people I called, the over 200+ supra owners looking for it, and the easily over 100+ other people that were looking for it due to word of mouth and the way the news spreads. I repeatedly called him stupid and made sure he realized just indeed how stupid he was for thinking he wouldn't be caught driving it around.
BTW no that's not me by the car, I took the pictures.
:wtflol: I LOVE THIS! :wtflol: