You have the regular spearco replica from them, it's the same in every aspect as far as dimesions go, as far as performance, I'd hazard a guess and say that you wouldn't feel a performance difference between the two due to it being so small of a gain by switching the two out. The have the bigger style spearco replica, which isn't a replica at all since spearco never made one like this, it's just called that as it looks very similar to the real one, except is .5" thinner, and several inches longer. Overall, it has more surface area to it versus the spearco and it's replica, you do have to relocate the stock oil cooler, no biggy, mine's bolted right behind where it was originally using an existing hold and bolt.
Intercoolers are much the same between brands, you are basically buying the name when you get a spearco. All it is, is a type of radiator so to speak.