AFPR No change Vac on/off?


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I am having trouble getting my car to start. It was running OK, but having idle problems (changing sporadically from 500 to 2000rpm). It gradually got harder and harder to start, and has finally gotten to where it won't start at all.

In my search for what the problem could be, I have noticed that I get no change in fuel pressure with the vacuum line on or off? It is a Driftmotion purchased Aeromotive. I also have the Lex/550, Walbro, SAFC-NEO, etc.

The car will crank just fine, but just won't fire over. It will try to fire, and even somewhat run for a second or two, but won't stay running. I suspected a fuel pressure problem, so I started there. I do smell a pretty strong scent of gasoline after trying to start it for a while. The car is pulled into a carport where it is in very close quarters. I had set out to try and back it out of there tonight, so I could jack it up and search for leaks. But, I tried to play with the pressure to see if I could get it to start. I now feel like it is either due to a leak, or this problem with the vacuum. I see no fuel near the AFPR, or anywhere else from the top.

Also, would this problem cause my idle problem, if the car did run? Or, is that a TPS issue?

Thank you for any help you can be with these issues.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I had one until 2 weeks ago when the last minor hurricane came through the area. Seems there was some sort of power surge. My compressor, and several other electronics that were set out to the street shortly afterward must have all been hit during the storm, which did little other damage anywhere in the area.

I still have the compressor to play with sooner or later.


Jan 18, 2009
San Jose, CA
I had this problem with mine before, where it would just keep on cranking but not turn over. When it would turn over it would only idle for a second or two then die out. I changed the idle speed control valve and it started up just fine like it always had. If not I guess you could try the CPS.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Why would I not even think of the ISC???????? Another not so brilliant moment.

Anybody know if one off of a 5M would work? Seems like I remember it looking exactly the same. Or, how about one from an N/A?