heyitsdatguy;1291042 said:I didn't get to tell you Rodel at the meet, but yea, your shit is thigt man.
IJ.;1291005 said:
JDM PIMP;1290983 said:nice!! but what kind of muffler is that???
ERA;1291093 said:It's the N-O, T-O, R-I, O, U-S, you just lay down slow.
Hot stuff, man.
You gonna touch it up with 89+ euros and front grills?
rodel;1291107 said:I have 89 Euros but switch to pre 89. I'll be adding mesh in place of the front grills.
roadwarrior87;1295378 said:DAMN!!!! your car looks amazing!!! :icon_razz
btw sell me your Euros and the rest of your kaminari stuff!! you don't need it anymore...haha
SupraOfDoom;1295470 said:Is your hood painted at all? Or is it just really dark cf?
SupraOfDoom;1295483 said:I don't get it ? Sorry I'm not familiar with those terms. It looks awesome which is why I ask. He "ghosted" it? How did he manage this?
Sorry for asking .
SupraOfDoom;1295488 said:didn't realize those were carbon. Did shineauto make them?
SupraOfDoom;1295497 said:Are they making more in CF?
You know the more I stare at your car the more impressed I am. You really are making my mind wander back to my crazy jdm aero craze. I have been so set on not going down that road for the last 1.5 years but your really making it hard. That, and I cannot believe you made 19's look good. I have NEVER liked 19's on a MK3 but on yours they look fine. Very happy to see the MKIII community with cars like yours, replica's or not now days. Good job my friend.