AEM 7M Startup Issues


Regular Supramaniac
May 11, 2006
Before I begin, here is my setup:

Wired for sequential injection
GM 3 bar map
DH61 igniter wired up as per funkycheeze's post

The problem I'm having is that I cannot get the car to start. I'm getting fuel to all cylinders as I've pulled the plugs to confirm this. Last night i was screwing around with the timing light and found that I'm not getting spark to coils 2 and 3, and it seems as though I'm only firing coil 1 for cylinder 1 (light only flashes with the timing marks, no "second" flash). I'm pretty stumped by this as I seem to have everything wired and set right. My tune aside, its either the cps or the dh61 igniter.

Any pointers on how to verify the cps operation?

I'll also post my cal file for examination....hopefully somebody with more knowledge than I might spot something out of whack.

View attachment adam pecush_6.V1.&


Apr 4, 2005
if you have an extra cps and spark tester put the tester on plug 1 and plug the extra cps into the engine harness. this way you dont remove the installed cps frm the head. unplug the fuel pump resistor and turn the ignition on. spin the cps that is plugged in to the harness in your hand. this should get the spark tester to light. you could do this on any plug.

you may have not wired in the ignitor wires into the correct phasing. try switching ign #1 phasing and ign 2 phasing number, so ign 1 is 4.5, ign 2 is 0.5, and ign 3 is 8.5 then see if it crannks. also try putting the seq injection back to batch fire when the car cranked. sometimes switching from 12 fuel teeth to 24 will kill the engine and no crank. also you may have to increase the crank injector time table or increase the initial crank pulse table. the Initial crank pulse table squirts fuel at that set amount till the rpm is high enough to start using the fuel map.
i had to get a modern timing light to get a steady timing light display. try the switch on ign phasing numbers first.
you can call me at 601-2091235.



Regular Supramaniac
May 11, 2006
i verified the correct installation of the igniter wires, so i think everything should be good to go there. I wired the outputs as per funkycheeze's write-up, not matching the coil numbers.

While i haven't got a chance to measure the air gaps on my installed cps, i measured them on a spare and they were way out of whack. I'll reset the air gaps and see if that gets me spark on coils 2 and 3. How exactly do I change from sequential to batch on start-up?

thanks a lot for the help.


Apr 4, 2005
you could compare maps and find out what was changed. when you input inJ phasing number for inj 4,5,6 you also have to change fuel teeth from 4 to 12 or 24. i think thats right. since you inject once per rev you need double the fuel. for sequential inj copy the entire fuel inj raw map (raw i think it is) then double microbit sec then paste back the fuel table. this will double the fuel for seq inj. fine tune from there. to revert back you would have to reverse the changes.

make sure the you have the fuel set up correctly for seq inj. then check if switching ign 1 and ign 2 phasing numbers works.

i may be out of town this week so i maynot be able to answer.


Closing in on 200+MPH
Apr 3, 2006
36 MN
If stat sync turns on your cps is working.

Make sure coils 1 2 3 and 6 7 8 are all set to active, I have had issues with corrupt files transferring to my AEM in the past that caused a loss of spark on a couple channels.

Try using some ether to see if you can get the car to pop over. But before you do be sure to set your throttle range so there is nothing silly happening.

For checking the injectors remove your cps and turn it by hand with the AEM powered up and listen or feel for all the injectors to click. The ignition outputs from the AEM give a 5V signal to your igniter, and you can check for the signal in the same manor with an led lest light.


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Nov 29, 2008
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Sean has decided that he wants to be able to be able to comment on his friends' threads and help people here more. He's an absurdly nice guy who will help anyone out if he can, but he gets into trouble being a 22 year old male ;)

That aside, I have a couple calibrations that I can modify for your setup and send you if you'd like.


Regular Supramaniac
May 11, 2006
funky_monkey58;1588462 said:
If stat sync turns on your cps is working.

Make sure coils 1 2 3 and 6 7 8 are all set to active, I have had issues with corrupt files transferring to my AEM in the past that caused a loss of spark on a couple channels.

Try using some ether to see if you can get the car to pop over. But before you do be sure to set your throttle range so there is nothing silly happening.

For checking the injectors remove your cps and turn it by hand with the AEM powered up and listen or feel for all the injectors to click. The ignition outputs from the AEM give a 5V signal to your igniter, and you can check for the signal in the same manor with an led lest light.

I pulled a couple plugs and there is definitely fuel entering the cylinders...

I'm going to pull the cps, adjust the air gaps, and see if i can get each of the coils to fire. I'll give your coil phasing a try, though there are a few things i don't really understand with that...How does activating coils 6-8 translate to spark in coils 1-3? There are only 3 physical coil channels running from the AEM to the ignitor I don't understand how the ECU assigns the additional coil inputs. This is where phasing coils 1-3 as 0.5, 4.5, and 8.5 on 12 spark teeth made sense to me. Or is this some sort of smoke and mirrors type thing that just works.

Another thing that had me confused was the phasing of the injectors when i looked at the basemap calibration from AEM for this car...there was none!

I'll give the new cal you sent me a try once I've adjusted the CPS and see how things go from there.

thanks for the help

---------- Post added at 09:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 PM ----------

Halsupramk3;1588459 said:
make sure the you have the fuel set up correctly for seq inj. then check if switching ign 1 and ign 2 phasing numbers works.

i may be out of town this week so i maynot be able to answer.

all the reading I've done indicates that i've got the fuel set up correctly. if this doesn't fire after a cps adjustment and verification, i'll switch the phasing and go from there. no worries on being out of town. i've got enough help thus far to keep me trying things for the next while.



Closing in on 200+MPH
Apr 3, 2006
36 MN
adampecush;1588790 said:
I pulled a couple plugs and there is definitely fuel entering the cylinders...

I'm going to pull the cps, adjust the air gaps, and see if i can get each of the coils to fire. I'll give your coil phasing a try, though there are a few things i don't really understand with that...How does activating coils 6-8 translate to spark in coils 1-3? There are only 3 physical coil channels running from the AEM to the ignitor - this is where phasing coils 1-3 as 0.5, 4.5, and 8.5 on 12 spark teeth made sense to me. Or is this some sort of smoke and mirrors type thing that just works.

I'll give the new cal you sent me a try once I've adjusted the CPS and see how things go from there.

thanks for the help

Much of the AEM calibration is a smoke and mirror effect, kinda like the #10 injector being turned on for the sequential to operate correctly.

I really would try the new cal file before playing with the air gaps, if the injectors are firing it is getting the correct signal, I have gone through this same problem on my car with AEM and ended up sending the EMS back to AEM only to find out I had a corrupt file.... Reloaded a new cal and all was well again.


Regular Supramaniac
May 11, 2006
attempted to start the car again tonight with no luck.

I did however, verify (i think) that all coils are firing despite what the timing light said. I used a screwdriver to hear each of the coils firing, though coil 2 seemed to be making a rather strange sound...While I did hear the injectors firing when I had the CPS out, i didn't verify that each of the injectors was firing. I'm going to do this next time i'm working on the car.

Out of curiosity, what should be the cranking RPM of the car? I have this suspicion that the AEM is reading the revs incorrectly, as the computer was indicating 150-180 rpm when cranking. iirc, this should be closer to 400. Which input does the AEM read the engine RPM from? This may be the root of my problem. I'm contemplating reverting back to the 7m igniter to see if i can narrow down what is going wrong.


Closing in on 200+MPH
Apr 3, 2006
36 MN
How is the voltage on your battery?

Try using a battery charger to give it a bit of an edge, if you haven't already. It seems that if the voltage drops the AEM has issues.


Apr 4, 2005
on my map eng cycle = 1 rev is not checked off. its in the setup/sensor/cam crank/options cam/crank. altho if i remember when its checked you get double the rpm? really dont remember.


Regular Supramaniac
May 11, 2006
holy hell this is getting frustrating. no start again. I'm going to revert back to the 7m igniter to eliminate the dh61 from the equation. as I rewired the CPS back in the day I also need to verify that it is wired correctly. the car was on the verge of firing last night but it just wouldn't take... I think I'm going to have to put the stock ecu back for a day and run it to boil all of the fuel out of the oil.


Closing in on 200+MPH
Apr 3, 2006
36 MN
adampecush;1590501 said:
holy hell this is getting frustrating. no start again. I'm going to revert back to the 7m igniter to eliminate the dh61 from the equation. as I rewired the CPS back in the day I also need to verify that it is wired correctly. the car was on the verge of firing last night but it just wouldn't take... I think I'm going to have to put the stock ecu back for a day and run it to boil all of the fuel out of the oil.

Remember in the aem Cal if you switch back to stock you have to have multi plex enabled. I was never fond of it so I haven't even tried to run a supra with an AEM and the stock ignitor.
I take it you did not try using starting fluid for the first startup? I have friends with 1000rwhp 2jzs that once in awhile need a shot of the stuff to help them get going on aem.


Regular Supramaniac
May 11, 2006
im pretty sure i've just got a major timing issue. im going to verify all of my wiring and then make the necessary adjustments. unfortunately i dont have a ton of free time so this might get drawn out over a couple weeks.



Regular Supramaniac
May 11, 2006
tried again tonight, went back to the stock igniter and same end result, no start. No I haven't tried the starting fluid...i figured it was a crutch and wanted to avoid it at all costs. I guess I'll give it a try before reverting back to the stock thats my next step. I'm getting fuel and spark, but cannot get the damn car running.

I did have an issue right before i installed the AEM that I attributed to a dead AFM (codes 24/31), but I'm wondering if there was more to that than met the eye.


Apr 4, 2005
the aem does not goto the fuel map till rpms go over the exit rpm inputed in the start area. i think its called crank exit rpm. it is usually 400 rpms. so until then the fuel is off the initial crank pulse table which flows all injectors at that microseconds of fuel. there is also crank minimum rpm mine is 50 rpm. so when the rpms go over 50 the initial crank pulse is injected. then when over 400 rpm the fuel map kicks in and i think thats when the start fuel mods kick in for crank extra and crank extra decay etc start. i also have crank inject all checked off which i guess makes all injectors squirt the initial crank pulse amount. also since its aem. when you turn the key on from completely off wait 2 seconds before cranking cause the engine does not get anything from the aem till it boots a little. if the aem or key was in the on position the aem is ready to try to start the car. but you probably already knew/saw this to happen.