
Ron Jefferson

New Member
Jun 21, 2012
My boss has been busting my balls as of late. The main reason is that I used the company credit card to purchase office supplies instead of the account we have. The reasoning I had in this was that it saved us 1300 for the order instead of wasting it. Today I had a meeting with him, and verbatim and very seriously he said "Ron, you fucking embarrass me like this again and I'll kill you. Do you get that? Do it again and I will kill you." I didn't know how to respond or what to do. Freaked me out.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Start looking for another job, find another job. Once you find another job, go to the higher ups and tell them your story. If they can you, well you have another job, if they can your boss, well you may have just earned a new title and a raise.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
SupraMario;1863129 said:
Start looking for another job, find another job. Once you find another job, go to the higher ups and tell them your story. If they can you, well you have another job, if they can your boss, well you may have just earned a new title and a raise.
Definitely this. You probably made a good choice (obviously, saving $1300 is a good thing, ask anybody in accounting), but said good choice may have made your boss look like an idiot for whatever reason. Perhaps his bosses were asking him why he didn't think of that, and some people get paranoid or feel threatened any time someone else in the company does something that makes them look (in whatever light) the slightest amount of bad.

I see it in my company on occasion, and it makes me scratch my head. This is a team effort, we can't afford back stabbing or paranoia, it is counter productive...

Anyway, good luck to you sir, keep us posted!

IJ.;1863224 said:
I'd be recording any further interactions with him...
Also a very good idea. You might be dealing with someone who has more than a few screws loose. I don't suppose arming yourself is an option at work? I know where I work, it wouldn't be questioned (gotta love open carry/right to conceal without permit states), but your workplace may be different.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
Small company, big company? CEO & board members at your job? EEOC representative at your job? Is he the higher up guy, or does he have a boss?

Personally, I would have waltzed right over to Human Resources and reported his ass. Contacted the EEOC in my area to inform them of what he said and have them on stand-by just incase they'd try to shit can me. I would have his fucking job. There's no way he should be able to get away with talking to you like that in a place of business. Especially when he's on the clock. This is not an offense punishable by a slap on the wrist. He should and will be terminated for his actions. If not then you might have a case against your company for making you work under those conditions. That fact that you might get killed if you make a mistake is a very hostile work enviroment. It doesn't matter if he lies, or says "it was just an expression" and he didn't literally mean it. What he said to you shouldn't have been said. Period.

Go fuck his wife/girlfriend really hard.