Okay I searched and only found 1 other topic that had any thing at all to the relvances to this and that was about 1 car.
So what I wanted to do was share pics and storys about accidents people have had here.
I was 15 and moving to cali, step dad was falling asleep driving so my mom made me tak over driving(she was driving the truck with all of our stuff) This was in the first 20 mins of leaving Salt Lake just out side of Provo. We kept going thill Fillmore which is roughly 2hrs out of Salt Lake where it become very repetive scenery several mile long straight aways, my uncle who was asleep in the passenger seat turned off the radio and the walkie talkie so he could sleep. All the same scenery and straight away caused me to dose and fall asleep and then have this happen. What happened was hit the drunk strips on the side which caused me to jerk the wheel to the left hit the other side of the freeway and over correct again causing me to hit the other side again. When I was coming back hit the edge of the roadway and caused to hit start to tumble it went end over end 1 time and the count on rolls was stopped at 7. There happened to be a UHP and an Ambulance coming the other way and saw this happen. The UHP stopped his count at 7 and started to get ready to deal with all of this.
So onto the results,
My uncle suffered a grade 3 concussin, broken wrist, and the nicks, cuts, and brusies from an accident.
Myself was initially done with a grade 2 concussin but latter upgraded to a grade 3, broken jaw and was wired shut for a month, and brusies and only a few cuts.
So this is my story with pics lets hear some other peopls now.
So what I wanted to do was share pics and storys about accidents people have had here.

I was 15 and moving to cali, step dad was falling asleep driving so my mom made me tak over driving(she was driving the truck with all of our stuff) This was in the first 20 mins of leaving Salt Lake just out side of Provo. We kept going thill Fillmore which is roughly 2hrs out of Salt Lake where it become very repetive scenery several mile long straight aways, my uncle who was asleep in the passenger seat turned off the radio and the walkie talkie so he could sleep. All the same scenery and straight away caused me to dose and fall asleep and then have this happen. What happened was hit the drunk strips on the side which caused me to jerk the wheel to the left hit the other side of the freeway and over correct again causing me to hit the other side again. When I was coming back hit the edge of the roadway and caused to hit start to tumble it went end over end 1 time and the count on rolls was stopped at 7. There happened to be a UHP and an Ambulance coming the other way and saw this happen. The UHP stopped his count at 7 and started to get ready to deal with all of this.
So onto the results,
My uncle suffered a grade 3 concussin, broken wrist, and the nicks, cuts, and brusies from an accident.
Myself was initially done with a grade 2 concussin but latter upgraded to a grade 3, broken jaw and was wired shut for a month, and brusies and only a few cuts.
So this is my story with pics lets hear some other peopls now.