Does anyone know how much oil would be suspended in the evaporator and condenser? I currently have Ester oil in my system with my R134A which to my knowledge is compatible with both refrigerants. I took my car to a toyota dealership to help me diagnose what was wrong with it, and he pulled a vacuum on it and recharged it, but when recharging added some more oil into the system because he insisted when pulling a vacuum it also pulls some oil out. But the oil they had in the machine was PAG.
Basically i want to convert back to r12, but taking out the lines and the compressor are a lot of work. I want to take out the condenser and evaporator and flush those out, but leave the lines, compressor, and receiver dryer in(it is basically brand new). My question is do i need to flush every component? Will any left over PAG oil affect the r12 or will it not bother it? I have very little money, so doing a full flush is not an option (Also dont have a garage, i live in an apartment so all work on cars is prohibited, but i can do a little in the night without anyone saying anything). The AZ summer is coming and im not happy with how the r134a is working and want to convert back. Thanks for any help.