Alright, so I actually had to look at the cooling diagram to verrify wtf this was for since the flow pattern is wrong for it to work the way I would prefer it too ahahaa. AbFlug says that this hose helps carry water from the heater hose to the front to lessen the build up of heated coolant aorund the rear of the engine, since we all know No. 6 cylinder runss pretty hot anyway, this bypass just helps reduce that heat so it runs a tad better. AbFlug reccomends it for circuit racing. You can easily make the parts yourself tho, they even use Earl's hardware in their kit so just do it yourself for cheaper.
Ninja Edit:
if I was to do one better I would have it positionned at the return hose coming from the radiator instead of the one going towards the rad. That way cooler coolant would be chanelled directly towards the rear of the block/head. It would have to tap into the rear of the head at some spot most preferably on the cold side of the engine. Just have to figure out where the cooling passages are and then you can tap
I have a unk head at home and i never realized what I could do with it and maybe this would be something cool to find out. How to cut such a large chunk of aluminum tho hmmm ahahaa.