Known as: The Force, Skip and go Naked.
Shouldent be consumed by: Anyone under 21, preggers, people who just want a "buzz"
You need:
1 Frozen lemonade concentrate
3 beers
How you make:
Put the frozen lemonade in a container. Fill up the can it came in with cheap vodka, pour into container. Add 3 beers.
Prepare for: Lots of drunkin shenanagins. This drink tastes great and will absolutly screw you up. 3 cups of this and you might have trouble remembering what happened.
Best part: LOOKS like lemonade. Tastes like lemonade.
HIGHLY recomended.
Shouldent be consumed by: Anyone under 21, preggers, people who just want a "buzz"
You need:
1 Frozen lemonade concentrate
3 beers
How you make:
Put the frozen lemonade in a container. Fill up the can it came in with cheap vodka, pour into container. Add 3 beers.
Prepare for: Lots of drunkin shenanagins. This drink tastes great and will absolutly screw you up. 3 cups of this and you might have trouble remembering what happened.
Best part: LOOKS like lemonade. Tastes like lemonade.
HIGHLY recomended.

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