A REAL logic puzzle


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
After reading the other threads, I decided that turns are bullshit and GJ's was much, much too easy for some members. So, I'm going to post up a few my precalc teacher gave out. I've solved all of these and may give basic hints if no one gets them. PM me the answer, and after twelve hours I will post the correct answer. Don't ruin the slow people's fun =]

There are a three total, here is number one.

On a remote island all of the natives belong to one of two tribes: the Brights, who are so brilliant at numerical calculations that they always get the correct answer, and the Braves, who bravely rush in to do calculations beyond their ability and never get the right answer. (The Braves are not entirely stupid: they can do simple counting and comparing of numbers, but they always get arithmetic calculations wrong.) Both Brights and Braves pride themselves on their complete honesty. They always tell the truth, or (in the case of Braves) at least what they believe to be the truth; they never purposely tell a lie (unlike the folks on some of those other islands).
One day a group of natives was playing a game of Numberskulls. There were 5 players and a moderator. The moderator, who was a Bright, painted a 3-digit number on each of the players' foreheads, so that each could see all numbers but their own. All 5 of the numbers were different. The moderator would ask them questions in turn about the numbers they could see, and from the answers they would try to deduce what number was on their own forehead. The first to do so was the winner. What follows is a record of the game, with questions omitted and players designated by letters.

(1) A: I see exactly 1 prime number.
(2) B: I see exactly 2 prime numbers.
(3) C: I see exactly 3 perfect squares.
(4) D: I see exactly 3 triangular numbers.
(5) E: I see exactly 3 perfect squares.

(6) A: I see exactly 3 numbers with a digital sum of 10.
(7) B: I see exactly 3 numbers whose square root is more than 25.
(8) C: I see exactly 0 numbers with a digital sum of 10.
(9) D: I see exactly 3 perfect cubes.
(10) E: I see exactly 0 numbers with a digital product of 18.

At this point one of the players announced his number and won. (Of course it was a Bright; for some reason Braves never win these games, a point of much amusement to the Brights!)

What number was on each player's forehead?
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Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
I'm pretty sure I got it. It sort of defeats the purpose if I post the answer though....

EDIT: Nope - googled it - I was off on a couple. It was a bit more complicated than I thought.


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
Obviously, it's not a car with wings attached, it's a plane with wheels attached. Makes no difference whether it's on pavement or a conveyor belt. Back on topic please =]

Didn't expect that many Braves? I had to make a couple lists to realize some of these clues are completely impossible. It gets a lot easier when you figure out Brave vs Bright
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Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
Loki said:
MK3Brent said:
Loki said:
The correct answer is I fucked your mom.

That's three, next puzzle time!

On the island of Numeria each of the natives is one of two types: Truth-Tellers who always tell the truth, or Liars who never tell the truth. The island is governed by a Council of Elders who will only answer questions that have numerical answers. In fact the only answers they give are whole numbers, either zero or positive. Furthermore, they will never give an answer greater than the current number of council members. This number can vary daily, but is never less than 4 or more than 40. Also, the Council will only answer questions whose correct answer is independent of who is asked (e.g., no questions such as "How old are you?").
One day three native students, Ann, Bob, and Cal, were given an assignment by their teacher to question the council. They each asked a question, which was answered by every council member. Afterward they reported to their teacher and made the following statements:

(1) Ann: I asked the council how many of them were Truth-Tellers.
(2) Bob: I asked the council how many of them were Liars.
(3) Cal: Those statements are not both true!
(4) Ann: All of the answers I received were different (no two equal to each other).
(5) Bob: All of the answers I received were different (no two equal to each other).
(6) Cal: At least two of my answers were different (not equal to each other).
(7) Ann: The sum of my answers is a palindrome.
(8) Bob: The sum of my answers is a palindrome.
(9) Cal: The square root of the sum of my answers is not less than the number of council members.

What was the number of council members on that day?
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Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
I cleared this because ^ he was crying.

Google ftw, I'm not working that BS out. Even if it was on my math test, I'd take the -X points off and go on with my life.

Just my $.02
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Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
I guess since Matt ruined it for the world I'll post the third now.

In the ancient land of Num-Burr existed a secret society whose beliefs were a strange mix of mathematics, logic, and mysticism. Potential new members had to undergo the Trial of the Gods.
Six of the Elders met with the applicant and each Elder made five statements, of which four were true and one was false. The statements referred to the Divine Qualities, the Sacred Numbers, and the Number of the Gods. The applicant had to logically determine the Number of the Gods. The applicant was confined to a prison cell with water, light, and writing materials. After three days he was brought before the Elders and asked for the Number of the Gods. If he answered correctly he was admitted to the society; if not he was executed. Here is a record of the statements, with the Elders designated by letters, and all Numbers are positve integers:

(A1) No two Sacred Numbers are equal.
(A2) The sum of the Sacred Numbers is not a perfect cube.
(A3) The Number of the Gods is a perfect cube.
(A4) All Sacred Numbers have the same Digital Sum.
(A5) Each Sacred Number has at least 2 digits but less than 5 digits.

(B1) At least 2 of the Sacred Numbers have the Divine Quality of being Palindromes.
(B2) At least 2 of the Sacred Numbers have the Divine Quality of having their digits in Strictly Increasing order (no 2 digits equal).
(B3) At least 3 of the Sacred Numbers have the Divine Quality of having their digits in Strictly Decreasing order (no 2 digits equal).
(B4) The total number of digits of all of the Sacred Numbers is less than 22.
(B5) All of the Sacred Numbers have Digital Sums greater than 18.

(C1) At least 1 of the Sacred Numbers has the Divine Quality of being Square.
(C2) At least 3 of the Sacred Numbers have the Divine Quality of being Triangular.
(C3) At least 3 of the Sacred Numbers have the Divine Quality of being Prime.
(C4) At least 2 of the Sacred Numbers possess 3 of the 6 Divine Qualities.
(C5) None of the Sacred Numbers has 4 digits.

(D1) The number of Sacred Numbers is not Square.
(D2) The number of Sacred Numbers is not Triangular.
(D3) The number of Sacred Numbers is not a perfect cube.
(D4) The sum of the Sacred Numbers is a perfect cube.
(D5) At least one of the Sacred Numbers has 2 digits.

(E1) No two Sacred Numbers have the same Digital Product.
(E2) Exactly 1 Sacred Number has a Digital Product which is Prime.
(E3) Exactly 1 Sacred Number has a Digital Product which is Triangular.
(E4) Exactly 3 Sacred Numbers have Digital Products which are Square.
(E5) No Sacred Number has a Digital Product which is less than 8.

(F1) Each Sacred Number has at least 3 digits.
(F2) The Number of the Gods is not a perfect cube.
(F3) The sum of the Sacred Numbers and the Number of the Gods are not both perfect cubes.
(F4) The Number of the Gods possesses none of the 6 Divine Qualities.
(F5) The Number of the Gods is equal to the sum of the Digital Products of all of the Sacred Numbers.

What was the Number of the Gods?


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
That's what you get for calling the other one easy lol

Guess it was still too easy for you. Two more correct answers and I'll find another.
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