Thanks for the responses! I went for a drive today, and i think i've fixed the problem, well for now at least, spark plugs are at .024, and i used some grease around the spark plugs (it was sitting at the checkout at autozone in what looked like a condom package). So for now i don't have the break up, i just have epoxy and a little piece of heat shrink on the coil packs, along with the grease and .024 gaps, i do not have a wideband yet, but i'm going to get the Innovate MTX-L would that be a good choice? only $200! should be just as good as the lc 1 right? anyway i for some reason am having extreme difficulty connecting the speedo cable to the trans, so it isn't hooked up at the moment lol, could this have caused any problems? It threw a code 42 towards the end of the drive.
Other updates, i no longer get the loud popping on cold starts, although it seems to eject oil out of the exhaust, or idk maybe its just condensation cleaning out the exhaust pipe that has been sitting for 6 months. Heres a quick current vid
oh and heres a video of when it had the popping issue
Other updates, i no longer get the loud popping on cold starts, although it seems to eject oil out of the exhaust, or idk maybe its just condensation cleaning out the exhaust pipe that has been sitting for 6 months. Heres a quick current vid
oh and heres a video of when it had the popping issue