For some time now, I've had this problem where, if I am driving around with the A/C on, and the car is completely warmed up (10-15 minutes of driving), the needle starts creeping up. I've heard from one of my friends that the thermo-gauge doesn't register perfectly, and that if it moves at all, you're probably getting quite hot. I will admit, it's never "technically" overheated, it's never gone into the red, because I always turn the A/C off and baby it until it cools down.
I'm a tad bit afraid of getting another bhg, so I'm curious to know if any of you have any idea why it would be heating up so very much. It may just be normal, but I can't imagine I'm the only one running 8-9psi (daily driving), stock cooling, and then running the A/C. I would be worried it's a bhg, but I already have a pretty nice aftermarket gasket in there, and it ONLY heats up when I'm running A/C.
Thanks a bunch guys,
I'm a tad bit afraid of getting another bhg, so I'm curious to know if any of you have any idea why it would be heating up so very much. It may just be normal, but I can't imagine I'm the only one running 8-9psi (daily driving), stock cooling, and then running the A/C. I would be worried it's a bhg, but I already have a pretty nice aftermarket gasket in there, and it ONLY heats up when I'm running A/C.
Thanks a bunch guys,