Nice fabrication!
More motor than I would ever want just due to the inevitable gas-hungriness, but I'm sure pushing on the gas pedal will feel like thrusting into a nubile hollywood starlet... metaphorically. haha. Hope it turns out the way you want!
in regards to what msjn1 asked: Ceramic coatings and header wrap would go a long way towards that end. When IJ did his up-and-over big single v8 thing, he also used some fancy corrugated aluminum-ceramic heat shielding. Turbo blankets would be good, too. With the dual CT26 1UZ-FE kit that the former owner of my car (bryan) built, he made turbo heat shields from two halves of a stainless steel cooking pot.

For the sake of belts and wires and other doodads in the bay, I doubt you can go overboard with the shielding, short of totally obstructing airflow. The more heat that goes out with the exhaust (as opposed to hanging out in the engine bay), the better. I'm interested what you come up with, OP.