88 Turbo Vs 04 procharged Stang GT


T-virus infected
Well a fairly large group of us were cruising down the beach migrating to a different stretch so here I am cruising with the V8 crowd! Well I see this mustang Gt thinking ya know intake exhaust blah blah easy kill! Well we finally get next to each other and go from a 35mph roll I was in 2nd.

Well we hit it and I get and instant jump on him slam into 3rd and he's still hangin with me and I'm like wtf usually I'm putting busses on GT's by this time!!! I hit 4th and at the same time I hit a small bump in the road so I spin 4th just a tad.. Well that helps him catch up and we're dead even! Up ahead was a red light so we slowed up and he followed me in to sonic where we talked.

He runs over and is like DAMN what do you have done to that thing!?!? I was like performance wise just intake, exhaust, bov. He was like no no you have to have a bigger turbo! So I brought him over to show him and I was finally asking him what he had and he was showed me and it was a procharger! I'm guessing he has one hell of a crappy tune and doesn't know it or something is wrong with his car. But he said it should have put him around the 350hp range. Who knows?? It wasnt really a kill but really close I'm sure top end I would have walked him but all in all good race.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
sweet! :) there's a procharged mustang that's hunting me. too bad he has no idea my car has been down (not by it's fault, by mine) since sept. of last year... :(

nice sortof-kill! haha



Built to do the NASTY!!
Apr 1, 2005
p1 d1 or f1 ?
I think I know witch one he had.. what mods do you have?


Permanent Ban
Apr 4, 2005
when u say it turned into a full blown build, what does that mean? just replacing or upgrading? because some of these kills you post with just intake and exhaust leave me :confused:


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
the procharger should be kicking your ass.

when v-8's get into the supercharge and turbochargers.. they are not something to fuckaroo with... they put down MAD torque.

i would know because i had a ride in a twin turbo chevelle 350 ss.

I had a chevelle with a 350.. and i was putting down around 400+ - horse almost stock. (carb, exhuast, intake, cam)

v8's are easy to wake up.. exhuast and intake will do the trick.


T-virus infected
Thats why I was really suprised that the Stang was procharged!
Besides I've only posted 2 kills the other one being a stock 6.0 gto whats hard to believe about that when most are hitting low 14's... before my build I hit a 13.8 @ 102 and that was with a horrible 60ft of 2.5

I have a build thread. when I say built the engine is built... head is stock. But I agree the stang should have walked me hard but I'm guessing he has one hell of a bad tune. Besides that its just a stock 4.6L... Humidity was crazy that night and the heat index was 100-105.


N/A-Built T(slowly)
Feb 6, 2007
He wouldn't need an intercooler like we do. He still makes mad power, whoever tuned it for him must have done a shity ass job. Because with a Procharger and a tune a 4.6 can easily be a 500 wheel


T-virus infected
yea but that depends on which procharger, stage, pulley, blah blah ya know. He was guessing he's around 350 range and possibly 400. I would suppose he would need fuel mods to go any higher but Im not mustang smart either...

Chances are he threw it on and didnt tune it at all.


Permanent Ban
Apr 4, 2005
:bsflag: An otherwise stock 232 horsepower Supra, with intake and exhaust makes how much power? Stock intercooler, stock pipes, stock fuel, stock ecu... 250 to the wheels if you're lucky! And you beat a Supercharged Mustang!? :biglaugh: Bad tune my arse! I was hoping you were gonna tell me that you were running high compression on water/meth or something! But stock!? No way.

And the 400 horsepower GTO! Sure let's say it's stock. Let's say it loses 20% through the drivetrain so he's got 320 rwhp. Not to mention a shit load of torque! The LS2 guys were running low 13s at the track with me when I had my 5.7, and they stomped just about everything there. But your 232 horsepower wonder somehow beats this car too?

There's either something that you're not telling us about your car, or your just plain full of it. If I'm wrong, get it on video.


T-virus infected
LOL first off i didnt say I beat the stang. But the GTO I did beat and when I ran the GTO I had catching up to do and this was from a 1st gear roll. Reread that kill nothing bs about it. I've been looking for that guy ever since to get pics of him and his car. If he ever comes out agian I'll try and get him to post on here. Same goes for the stang guy.

btw wiseco's arent stock compression and theres been guys ranging from 250-300hp from somewhat healthy running 7m's to healthy running 7m's with just intake,exhaust,bov.

I don't know what else to tell you but I swear each time i've ran these fellows and I rarely take my car out I kick myself wishing I had a camera man with me.