if the article is true, then yes. It's printed by Central Connecticut State University. Reading the article, since the hummer is expected to last 3x longer than a Prius, the Hummer also costs like 30 cents
less per mile than a Prius. Just read the article

It really deserves its own thread, but it fit nicely in this one
EDIT: When you boil it down, driving a Prius could decrease smog in cities, at the cost of a bigger "dead zone" around the refineries that smelt the nickel for a Prius' battery (granted Toyota isn't the only company buying the nickel)(the writer carefully left that out). however, that little bit of acid rain aside (I mean, it's only Ontario

) the Prius still costs 50% energy than a Hummer.
Through a study by CNW Marketing called “Dust to Dust,” the total combined energy is taken from all the electrical, fuel, transportation, materials (metal, plastic, etc) and hundreds of other factors over the expected lifetime of a vehicle.
EDIT2: i misread the article; the Hummer costs $1.30 less, not $.30 less per mile ove its lifetime