madsupra88;1100056 said:
lol ok i think my motor well survive gapping my plugs at .035 when it specifically says in the tsrm that the max is .039.... ive owned 3 supras so far, always same gap, also a low 10 high 9 supra as we speak!! and never a problem.
In all honesty you need to have a little more respect and act like an adult, you took this waaay to personal bro! anyways im done here.
excuse you? **had to open the shit storm didn't you.**
Just because you are ignorant and chose to interpret what is in black and white to your agenda does not make it right.
But since it seems like reading comprehension is lacking on YOUR part.
I specifically quoted the TSRM for a reason.
1989 Toyota Supra TSRM said:
Notice the choice of wording used by toyota (even with my ommision of the word electrode).
It is not ambigous nor is it speculative. It is very very specific on what type of spark plug and at what to gap that plug at and also that this is CORRECT for new spark plugs.
Not .030 or .032 but exactly .031 for a turbo supra. If that statement is for new then the other statement for MAXIMUM is for used plugs NOT new. Why? Because spark plugs like anything else do wear away and if you are at max gap you will be beyond spec and the propensity for spark blow out will increase substantially.
Now with that said, you could be Ken Duttweiler. In here, if you post bullshit like you did. You will get called on it.