7mgte misfire, going to the shop TurboTechnology :(

Maybe they will know how to fix this.

  • 24 Intake air Temp Sensor Signal
  • Diagnosis
  • Open or short circuit in intake air temp sensor signal (THA).
  • Trouble Area
  • Intake air temp sensor circuit
  • Intake air temp sensor
  • ECU
  • 31 Air Flow Meter Signal
  • Diagnosis
  • (7M-GE) Open circuit in VC signal or short circuit between VS and E2 when idle contacts are closed.
  • (7M-GTE) Open or short circuit in air flow meter signal.
  • Trouble Area
  • Air flow meter circuit
  • Air flow meter
  • ECU
  • 34 Turbocharger Pressure
  • Diagnosis
  • The turbocharger pressure is abnormal.
  • Trouble Area
  • Turbocharger
  • Air flow meter
  • ECU
  • Intercooler system

I have a brand new LEXUS AFM. It worked great before I installed the turbo kit, took it for a 20 minute drive.
It was hitting fuel cut aggressively.

The turbo is facing upwards. Problem?
The Venom Injectors 550cc bad?

Misfire/will not speed past 3500rpm.

As soon as boost goes from -20psi - 0psi boost, the engine sputters, will not accelerate.

I can go above 3500rpms in neutral and park.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Seems like it might not be plugged in correctly with all three airflow signals. 34 is overboost and is Hz signal. That isn't related to the other two, but since you just did the airflow meter....

And you can unscrew the adjustment screw out. I have mine just under flush from Supra Sport.


Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
Have you had your venom injectors flow tested? Theres a thread saying to stay away because they're know to have issues.
Unless your BOV is leaking putting a recirc BOV wouldnt make a difference till it came time to shift.
Make sure the plug is actually plugged in correctly. Move the plug on the AFM around while the engine is running and see if the idle changes at all.
If you have your stock AFM electronics try that in the LEX housing. The electronics are the same.
Also make sure you don't have any boost leaks.
kotu100;1886765 said:
Have you had your venom injectors flow tested? Theres a thread saying to stay away because they're know to have issues.
Unless your BOV is leaking putting a recirc BOV wouldnt make a difference till it came time to shift.
Make sure the plug is actually plugged in correctly. Move the plug on the AFM around while the engine is running and see if the idle changes at all.
If you have your stock AFM electronics try that in the LEX housing. The electronics are the same.
Also make sure you don't have any boost leaks.

Venom Injectors have NOT been flow tested yet I am pissed that they have a bad rep. I am arranging testing of those at the moment.

The plug is plugged in correctly and I wiggle it when running, doesn't make a difference. Thanks though good thoughts! Keep em comin :)
Could the lexus afm housing be bad if the stock afm electronics installed in the lexus housing are still good?
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1987 7mgte ECU
My SAFC electronic wiring is spliced into my KARMAN SIGNAL "KS" ECU wire.
SAFC: Brown + Black (Ground) spliced into ECU E1
SAFC: Green (Engine RPM) spliced into ECU IGT
SAFC: Grey (Throttle Signal Wire) spliced into ECU VTA
SAFC: Red (Power) into ECU +B
SAFC: Pink (Karman Signal) spliced into ECU "KS" wire entering ECU
SAFC: Orange (Karman Signal) spliced into ECU "KS" wire escaping ECU

Could this be affecting code 31 / 24?

No boost leaks I checked except for the BOV I had a vacuum line unplugged from it.

If I plugged my working Stock AFM electronics into the LEXUS AFM housing, shouldn't it still work?

Because Its still throwing codes with both electronics from the original Lexus AFM and Stock AFM electronics. Maybe the wiring?
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Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Have you tried unplugging the safc and seeing if it runs better?

Also there is only 1 ks wire at the 7m Ecu.
hvyman;1886788 said:
Have you tried unplugging the safc and seeing if it runs better?

Also there is only 1 ks wire at the 7m Ecu.
^^^^^^ doesn't have an answer at the end =)

I sure did unplug the safc to find out if it would run better after the problems, but sadly enough, it did not help. The problem happened to my Supra before I began any wiring.

Before I wired the safc, I took it for a 20 minute drive, and then it hit fuel cut, and shut down. It hasn't ran the same ever since. hits fuel cut at 3000rpms without blinking a cel light like the ecu recognized something is wrong all the sudden.

after the drive, and problems, I wired the SAFC thinking it would solve the problems.

Btw, the ks wire I cut in half, used one side of the ks wire to the orange wire from the safc, the other side of the ks wire for the pink wire from the safc.

What could cause fuel cut at 0psi boost, fuel cut at 3k rpms?
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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
spainobain1234;1886766 said:
The plug is plugged in correctly and I wiggle it when running, doesn't make a difference.

That isn't just a thought. Did you read the description you posted? Read it closely. You can also test for 5 volts at the connector when unplugged.