That was my conclusion. The GTE swap was a much better deal.
At about 200xxx kms, my differential started making noise, so I swaped out the 4.300:1 for a 3.909:1. The difference is exactly 10%, so if my speedo said I was going 100 km/h, I was doing 110. If my odometer said that I had gone 100km, I'd gone 110. Basically, it meant that if you don't want a ticket, stick the speedo to the posted limit, since cops will GENERALLY give you about that much leeway.
At about 480,000kms, I swapped in an R154 which matched the 3.909:1 differential, and my speedometer is now correct. (That does mean that the odometer SHOULD have read something over 500,000 at the time though.) This was another reason that I went for the swap. I figured that if I boosted that high mileage a 7M-GE, it was going to have a VERY short lifespan, no matter how well I took care of it for the past 420,000 kms.
At about 200xxx kms, my differential started making noise, so I swaped out the 4.300:1 for a 3.909:1. The difference is exactly 10%, so if my speedo said I was going 100 km/h, I was doing 110. If my odometer said that I had gone 100km, I'd gone 110. Basically, it meant that if you don't want a ticket, stick the speedo to the posted limit, since cops will GENERALLY give you about that much leeway.
At about 480,000kms, I swapped in an R154 which matched the 3.909:1 differential, and my speedometer is now correct. (That does mean that the odometer SHOULD have read something over 500,000 at the time though.) This was another reason that I went for the swap. I figured that if I boosted that high mileage a 7M-GE, it was going to have a VERY short lifespan, no matter how well I took care of it for the past 420,000 kms.