My high output ebay alternator's bearing is noisy and only charges at 13.6 volts when hot. I've been running a 46mm overdrive pulley on it, that I'm fairly certain is what's killing it (only have maybe 2000 miles on it). Rather than going the ebay (cheapest) route, I was wondering if I'd be better off going with Driftmotion or Suprastore rebuilt 140A alternators. Are they any better build quality than what ebay offers? If so, which one will be the most reliable? Should I maybe go with a second gen Viper or MR2 alternator instead?
All I know is that my alternator's bearing is makes noise when it's cold, puts out a maximum of 13.6 volts after ran for a while, and every time my electric fans kick on at idle (once alternator is hot), my engine speed drops 1000rpm and does not recover until the fans shut off. Even after capping the IAC valve and cracking the throttle body. I also have a very large stereo that I plan on installing.
I need to do this soon, so hit my up with your opinions.
All I know is that my alternator's bearing is makes noise when it's cold, puts out a maximum of 13.6 volts after ran for a while, and every time my electric fans kick on at idle (once alternator is hot), my engine speed drops 1000rpm and does not recover until the fans shut off. Even after capping the IAC valve and cracking the throttle body. I also have a very large stereo that I plan on installing.
I need to do this soon, so hit my up with your opinions.
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