6/17-Car Accident-Rant


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
Ok Here's a little backround

Spent entire day with my older sister, my girlfriend, and my son to find my oldest sister a new/used car. We finally do, and i proceed to leave her place. Where i jump on RT21 after getting my GF some taco bell.

We are traveling 50MPH on RT 21 mind you I have my Son (13 months old) and my GF in the car. We are in the right lane, as we past exit 5 there is an S turn there, no biggie, then a taxi in the middle land starts to come into my lane, i honk the horn he moves over, as we exit the S turn there was about 1 to 3 seconds of straight away which is poorly lite, and there is a DISABLED VEHICLE WITH HIS LIGHT OFF!!!!! NO SHOULDER AVAILABLE what so ever in the right lane. I Slam on the brakes and try to go into the middle lane but it was too late. As you hear my screams and my gf's screams we smack into this fucking lincoln who was at a dead stop at about 50 MPH!

I bust my face open under my bottom lip but above my chin, it someone split open but the harsh part is, it goes into my mouth! Its open all the way i split my gums on my top teeth bruises cuts on my knees etc etc.

As I go into sheer panic mode in fear of my Sons condition and then my GF's I jump out the car and look into the back seat but my glasses flew off my face so i can see my son blurry, then i hear him cry. A bunch of by standers help out as a big rig closes the 3 lane highway.

One by stander was an off duty firefighter as another was an off duty police officer. They state my son looks to be fine, my GF on the other hand was hurting. Her right side she said was numb, her back and neck hurt, and she was in alot of pain. They tried to open her door but couldn't, the door was jammed, the roof had buckeled upward on her side from the attempt to swirve. Jaws of life had to be used to get my GF out.

I find out that his car was on the side of the road with the lights off for a FLAT TIRE! He could have drove less then half a mile to the next exit which has a gas station and lights and has a shoulder!!!! BUt no he wants to stop on the highway! with no lights on WTF!

Here is a blurry pic of the car (detailed pics will follow once i get a little better to go to the wrecking yard and take pics.)


GF's hand

Me at the hospital after they put stitches in my mouth. There were alot the doc said she lost count after 30 in total


and 1 day after got that bubba shrimp lip LOL from Forrest Gump

I've contacted my insurance company, i get the police report in a few more days, I will be contacting a lawyer. This is just banana's

Cliff notes: Got into accident with some ass because he had a flat but thought it was a great idea to leave it 1. on the highway 2. obstructing traffic. 3. in a dark area! Causing me n my family to hit his car from a dead stop at 50 mph hurting me n my gf but not my son thank god


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
HOLY SHIT MAN! Really Glad you, your GF and Son are ok man! That's number 1!

We need better driving test here in the states, this is ridiculous that this person didn't even think about what was going to happen, parking in the road for a flat...accidents rarely happen these days...most of it comes from stupidity.

GL with getting everything paid for, I hope everything gets covered by the other driver.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
thanks teresa, we are feeling a bit better, face isn't hurting as much but still some pain! Popping them pills tho!. baby is donig great! :), GF is donig pretty good, dealing with some aches and pains as they come around.


Geekin out
Nov 20, 2006
SupraMario;1582745 said:
We need better driving test here in the states

Glad you're okay man. If you haven't already, make sure you all get in to see a doctor and make sure everything else is functioning properly. A chiropractor wouldn't be a bad idea. I see one regularly and I always hear of instances where the person in a wreck felt fine, then a few months later problems started creeping up - back or neck pain, joint pain, etc. Hell, I read about that in accident threads here all the time. I'd definitely make a point to get your son checked out, if nothing else.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
DreamerTheresa;1590990 said:
'bout the same spot as one of Mike's scars, but you can't see it because of his facial hair.

Vitamin E and http://www.mederma.com/ should help yours out since it's still so fresh. Unless you want to keep it. Because hey - chicks like me dig scars. :)

I don't mind battle scars. So hey there theresa! :) lol jk b4 my gf see's this n beats me for no reason.


Jun 10, 2008
Conroe, Texas
Glad to see everything is fine. What ever happened with the guy and his flat tire? I suppose you kissed the steering wheel. I did that in my truck. It knocked all my bottom front teeth out. I had to have them reconstructed and my jaw was wired shut. No scars just fake teeth. And it felt like someone hit me in the face with a bat.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
I hope dude who used the expressway as a parking lot gets charged with something. That's just ridiculous... he's damn lucky no one died.

On that note, I'm glad you're all ok.


Mar 6, 2009
Merced, CA
glad to hear you and your family are alright...

hey what about people that put donuts on the front when there cars fwd..? some people idk how they got there licensees but it took me 2 times to pass my drivers licenses cause i drove to slow they said lol....


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
You all are so very lucky.. Most accidents at that high rate, with one car completely stopped dont end well.. I am not a religious person, but you definitely had an extra passenger that day!