Good job sir, but I'm doing some serious hatin. Your cutting 1.8 60ft time on street tires and I can't do any better than 2.1 on Nitto drag radials! I've tried both slip and dump method at various rpm ranges. Most around the 5500 range. I once slipped it at 5000rpm, turbo spooled, it hooked and I was off! I thought that was going to be my first 12second pass with this set up and it was a 13.1 @ 108mph. The launch felt great, but it wasn't enough.
I know you're running a pte 6265 I believe. How much boost are you running and at what rpm do you see full boost. Are you running that quick spool or did you take it off? Did you bump up your compression ratio in the engine? What timing are you running off and on boost?
I'm trying to make sense of why my short times suck. My car is a dog off boost to begin with, and I see 10psi @ 4000rpm. I'm only running 15psi right now and it comes on some time after 4000rpm. I have a lazy turbo, and trying to figure out why.