well im on my way back from a delivery ... yeah i use my supie for phut.. i think it just makes the sotry even better..
any ways, i roll up on my favorite hill, 112th & 18th street, the light is red, and you are sittin on the hill. it's about a 1/8 mile from the light to the top of the hill
as im sittin here a blue late 90's earily 00? dodge pick up rumbles up along the side of me. i glance over, and read " 5.9L r/t" look alittle further up and se the v8 magnum badge up by the lights.
im thinkin, it would be cool to race but he has his wife, and windows up and just go back to signin along with the music..
watchin the light , i start hering him load up his stall a bit, and then the thought crosses my mind again, is he just edging for the light or is he ready to race?
i shift into fist waiting for the light, it turns green before i could raise my rpm any, and i hear him stomp on it, i bog alittle of the line but she winds out quite easily, i spin the tires at the top of first, and he has pulled me by a car and a half, i shift to second, and i admit i start grinning, i was realing him in, by the top of second
i grab third and made all the difference, ive now passed his bumper and im making good ground, i was a car in front of him and knew i better shut it down before i came over the top of the hill,
my speedo read 85, and he passed me while i was shutting down, i droped back down to forty, and he never let up.
he cought the next light, and got stuck at it, all good, i hate blowing through intersections..
when i turned into work at the end of the street i saw him turning to head towards the freeway. i was hoping he would atleast go into my work and complain but eh :biglaugh:
lattter that night i saw a black or blue 350z hardtop coming up from the rear with a horse power freaks sticker in the windsheild, he pulled along the side and started passin, i steped up the pace and i heard him crack into it, i did the same and by the top of third i had pulled half a car, and i had to shut it down due to traffic in my lane. i cought him the next light and chatted a bit, but i noticed a piggy across the light in the turn lane,
light turns green then yellow real fast, i zipp through the light the 350z stays put, and when i get throught the cop u turns, i thought for sure the cop was gona fallow me down the street and say i ran the light,
next thing i knew, the lights were flashing but he wasn't on my tale, he was over a block behind me and there was no other trafic, i hit the red light across from the cop shop and i watch the cop pull over to the side of the road and stop.
i thought for sure he was now pulling over the 350z but when i got to the next light i saw the z coming up through traffic again.. i thoguth that cop was definitly bizzare
any ways, i figured i'll share my kills
last time i went to the track i ran a best of 13.8 and ran consistant 14 flat.
i had my brother look up the specs on the truck and it is 230hp 330 trq, and runs a 14.5 stock so hearing that i knew it wasn't to big of a race but still felt good to take a praticly 6L v8 out!
any ways, i roll up on my favorite hill, 112th & 18th street, the light is red, and you are sittin on the hill. it's about a 1/8 mile from the light to the top of the hill
as im sittin here a blue late 90's earily 00? dodge pick up rumbles up along the side of me. i glance over, and read " 5.9L r/t" look alittle further up and se the v8 magnum badge up by the lights.
im thinkin, it would be cool to race but he has his wife, and windows up and just go back to signin along with the music..
watchin the light , i start hering him load up his stall a bit, and then the thought crosses my mind again, is he just edging for the light or is he ready to race?
i shift into fist waiting for the light, it turns green before i could raise my rpm any, and i hear him stomp on it, i bog alittle of the line but she winds out quite easily, i spin the tires at the top of first, and he has pulled me by a car and a half, i shift to second, and i admit i start grinning, i was realing him in, by the top of second
i grab third and made all the difference, ive now passed his bumper and im making good ground, i was a car in front of him and knew i better shut it down before i came over the top of the hill,
my speedo read 85, and he passed me while i was shutting down, i droped back down to forty, and he never let up.
he cought the next light, and got stuck at it, all good, i hate blowing through intersections..
when i turned into work at the end of the street i saw him turning to head towards the freeway. i was hoping he would atleast go into my work and complain but eh :biglaugh:
lattter that night i saw a black or blue 350z hardtop coming up from the rear with a horse power freaks sticker in the windsheild, he pulled along the side and started passin, i steped up the pace and i heard him crack into it, i did the same and by the top of third i had pulled half a car, and i had to shut it down due to traffic in my lane. i cought him the next light and chatted a bit, but i noticed a piggy across the light in the turn lane,
light turns green then yellow real fast, i zipp through the light the 350z stays put, and when i get throught the cop u turns, i thought for sure the cop was gona fallow me down the street and say i ran the light,
next thing i knew, the lights were flashing but he wasn't on my tale, he was over a block behind me and there was no other trafic, i hit the red light across from the cop shop and i watch the cop pull over to the side of the road and stop.
i thought for sure he was now pulling over the 350z but when i got to the next light i saw the z coming up through traffic again.. i thoguth that cop was definitly bizzare
any ways, i figured i'll share my kills
last time i went to the track i ran a best of 13.8 and ran consistant 14 flat.
i had my brother look up the specs on the truck and it is 230hp 330 trq, and runs a 14.5 stock so hearing that i knew it wasn't to big of a race but still felt good to take a praticly 6L v8 out!