mustangman05 said:
joe you have to beat the ninja shitters at their own game walk in to the bathroom,do your stuff then open the door but dont move then stay still till they come out...bam
that's a good idea!!
in other news, today's random thought about my work is:
I have issues with sitting at my desk here for extended periods of time. So to help this without being obvious and just walking around doing nothing, I drink lots of water. I have a ittle .5L bottle of water I constantly refill. Not only do I have to get up to get more water but I also have to get up frequently to go pee.:kloguck: Not only does this help me break up my time here into smaller sections but I also make myself drink alot of water since I don't drink enough otherwise... I think today alone between 8AM getting here and 6PM leaving I've been to the bathroom ~7 times or so. so divide that into 9 hours I put in today, I only work about 1.3hours at a time which makes it alot easier to pass the time instead of big 4-5hour blocks.
So in conclusion, I'm killing two birds with one stone.