You know! I'm having second thoughts about driving my car while yours is out on the road. I guess I will be upgrading everything before I come and play with you.:3d_frown:
mrsuprafreak said:You know! I'm having second thoughts about driving my car while yours is out on the road. I guess I will be upgrading everything before I come and play with you.:3d_frown:
2jzmk3 said:lol.. mark if you are around, we are going to the track tonight.. 11-7
Thanks Duane. waiting for some real videos of yours.
upgradedsupra said:That car sounds better than having sex! :biglaugh:
OneJoeZee said:Whoa there, Duane. JZ Supras are cool but let's not say things too silly.:biglaugh:
OneJoeZee said:Someone get this man some porn, NOW!! We're losing him!
IJ. said:Tried to buy the 6" suction mount last night after seeing this but they don't have a PayPal shipping option to Australia
Ronald said:got to hand it to ya though, that exhaust note does sound awesome. A 3inch magnaflow on mine and I don't think it sounds nearly as 'throaty' as yours did in the vid.
which turbo, which bov? Is your wastegate open to atomosphere or channeled back in?
Mine is open and I pick up too much exhaust smell into the cabin from it... its annoying, i need to do something about that. (can't drive with the top off all the time :sarcasm: )