I extended once, using standard, off-the-shelf, wires. The harness ended up almost too thick, to pull into the cabin. Just get an old dash/engine harness and cut 20" of wire off of it. Just match the gauge and solder and you extend a handful of wires at a time. Don't cut too close to the connectors... I think I cut my Aristo E9/E10 wires at about 6". You will get in the rhythm... Select about 10 wires (different colors, so that you don't accidentally solder the wrong ones together) cut, add 2 pieces of heatshrink, strip/twist/flux/solder, then wipe the flux off and pull the heatshrink over and heat it. NOTE: Matching the colors from the donor harness is not necessary and a bit tedious.
In my latest harness, I used the E9/E10 from a Lexus GE and it had about 3 feet of wire on it. I repinned it to match my GTE pinouts and then cut at 20". I then cut/soldered to extend, but instead of 2 solder points with a routine extension, I only ended up with 1 solder point per wire (make sense?).
If anything, I have a bunch of harness/dash wire that I brought from TX. I can take a look and cut-off/send you a bunch. But, I'd recommend you go to the junkyard and get the GE connector and harness anyways. They usually cut it at the firewall and it provides a bit of extra wire to use. Even if you do not repin, you have an extra E9/E10 to use later or as a spare set.