2JZ/7M FFIM Matchup...


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Okay, now i know that these questions have been asked before, but i havent yet found a definitive answer or guide as to how to fit the 2JZ Inlet manifold.

I'm fully aware that i'll need different FPR, IC piping, different IC etc, this is just for how to connect the manifold to the block - not the TPS, not the IC plumbing, i just want to install the manifold! :)

I've looked over the guide here:


and Kruso explains all about the TPS - which is fine and very helpful, but nothing else was said about how to actually bolt the thing to the block.

The 2JZ Upper looks like it'll bolt to the 7M lower without much fuss, however, i have no definitive measurements of either in terms of port size, spacing etc although it looks so close as a matchup that i cant believe it would take much work to match them up. I could be entirely wrong, of course, but thats why i'm asking the question here!

It also looks like the battery won't need to be relocated, judging by the large space in the photo, however, if it does, i'm guessing thats a simple job as well.

As for actually having a manifold....well i bagged a nice 2JZ non-VVTI one off eBay, with the throttle body and TPS still attached, off a Mk4...cost me less than £40, and less than £70 with shipping!

So to anyone that's completed the mod - how *did* you do it?


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
Kai;955069 said:
The 2JZ Upper looks like it'll bolt to the 7M lower without much fuss,?

In reality it is not even close. You have to butcher the lower 7m manifold to allow the 2jz up top. By the time all the work is done. You have spent as much if not more trying to half ass a job that would have been done right with a proper FFIM from the likes of Ron, Sethron etc.


Jan 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
I rememer seeing a spacer that allowed the 7M lower to attach to the 2J upper. Or atleast I think thats how it was.. there is a spacer though that is a machined so all the ports flowed together. IIRC the 2JZ manifold was wider in lengh.


Destroyer of Turbos
Mar 30, 2005
Plano, TX
it can be done but there are a few problems. the biggest is the runner spacing is different from the 7m to the 2jz. you will need to make some kind of smooth flow from them. this means either try and make a adaptor plate that will bolt between the 2 or attempt to get it welded up. its a bit of a pita and then the flow isnt as optimal as a made from scratch ffim.

honestly more power to you but be prepared for some work!

Mr. Y

New Member
Mar 31, 2005
80 miles away from Kremlin
It's not only about look... It depends of your power goals. Custom shortrunner provides more top-end power.
And as for adapter: 2JZ has different flange angle:

So if you use flat adapter plate - intake mani won't look as on 2JZ.