Last night I found out something interesting. While the 2jz alternator is not a 'plug and play' drop in for the 1jz, it can easily be made into one. The difference between the two is the plug, the 1jz plug being round and the 2jz being an inline type.
If you have a broken 1jz alternator, you can remove the rear cover from it by taking off the 3 nuts holding it on and unscrewing the post from the side. Then, the board with the plug on it is held down by 3 screws. This board and the rear cover will directly swap into the 2jz alternator.
It is possible that more Denso alternator parts may be swappable like this.
I'll try and get pictures to illustrate.
If you have a broken 1jz alternator, you can remove the rear cover from it by taking off the 3 nuts holding it on and unscrewing the post from the side. Then, the board with the plug on it is held down by 3 screws. This board and the rear cover will directly swap into the 2jz alternator.
It is possible that more Denso alternator parts may be swappable like this.
I'll try and get pictures to illustrate.