Whoa…this thing has blown up!
First off, let me apologize to everyone for the upset.
I agree that I could have and should have handled it differently. I do not apologize for offering to help someone out financially. If it’s ever within my means, I would offer to help anyone. I am however, slightly partial to my Supramania Brutha’s and Sista’s.
This discussion wasn’t all negative. There were some good points brought up during this discussion that will help me and anyone else that takes on this project. One of which is the idea of passing any profits on to benefit SM. That is a great idea and that is what will happen.
Being in this business, I have developed a thick skin. My work has been laughed at, thrown in the garbage right in front of me, and got my original agreed paycheck cut in half. Conversely, one of my pieces has been purchased and is hanging in an Ansel Adams’ gallery, I was paid handsomely for a catalog that I put together for a medical company, and had a piece come in 16th place out of over 62,000 entries.
I said all that to say this: Communication is the key. I, Tanya, or anyone can only make/create what we know is wanted. So, voice your desires!
I will continue with this project. So, keep an eye on the submission deadline. It is fastly approaching! Also, I would like to direct all entrants to review my first post regarding photo requirements.
Thanks everyone for your comments.