2011 Tax Refunds


is sofa king
Jan 17, 2006
Sedro Woolley, Washington, United States
We are getting over 8 this year.

No I am not bullshitting , No I am not going to post up tax return for a financial autopsy.

I am getting over 2600 back just for school. Self paid college tuition and texts are tax deductible
350 back for charitable donations to Thrift stores.
150 back for vehicle registration. ECT.
There are a lot of deductions that people never take. You have to think about deductions all year and keep track of everything.
For the last four years we have had rebate over 7000

My wife is a RN and I am a Fulltime college student on L&I only making 65 % of my pre injury wages. I was a Fed EX ground Driver.

As far as what we are going to do with it. I am putting in a HVAC system. I am going to do all the work my self and pay a contractor to hook up the gas line. Then put what ever is left in to a CD for our unborn daughter. We have spent the last three years taking out all the financial hooks that society insisted we had to have.


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
Matt, the first one I did not know about. I shall have to look into that.

I should HOPEFULLY be getting back around 500. Being that I have no debts, and can pay for whatever I want for the Supra out of pocket without taking a detrimental hit to my account (which I never touch). That tax return money shall be deposited back into my savings account so that I can pay myself back for what I have taken out of it.


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
North Dakota
I will be getting around 1700 back. A new carpet kit, some random interior bits, and parts for my motorcycle will be on the list. I keep throwing the idea of NA-T around too as I have a turbo parts car. The rest is in savings and to pay off the credit card.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Did my taxes in about 30 minutes last night, gonna get ~$690 back, which will go to paying off the hood and rent for the month I guess.