2008 Resolutions


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
You know everytime I keep reminding myself I need to stop by and go visit Mike and Theresa (and Logan of course), I read a post like that, and I think twice and wonder if its still a good idea...


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
-Be a better husband -I already do the dishes, keep the trashcans empty, do a reasonably good job at cleaning up after myself (Computer desk doesn't count, imho), but would like to do more to help the preg-o wife.
-Save more, spend less.
-Help someone out in a big way -see if anything comes up that'll let me.
-Be the best dad ever come mid-June. :icon_bigg


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
Tanya;866685 said:
Do you make them? Do you break them?

I don't even bother usually, but I feel I should this year. Tired of a lot of things about myself and I'd like to change them.

-lose weight. I weigh 130 now, I'd like to get down to and MAINTAIN 110-115lbs, my pre-having 3 children weight.

-tone up. losing weight just isn't good enough, I'd like to rid myself of the baby pouch I think is gross.

-stop drinking soda. It's probably a HUGE factor in me not losing any weight. Almost as addicting as smoking.

-take my car down the 1/4 mile track finally

-learn to ride a motorcycle and not kill myself in the process

-drag my BF down to FL to meet my kids, lol.

-go camping at mt. st. helens WHEN ITS NOT RAINING

-stop losing my damn driver's license

well so far I've managed to quit drinking soda. Last day of drinking soda was 12/31. Haven't lost any weight though, still 130 :cry: maybe I should exercise too, heh.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
gtsfirefighter;867078 said:
I don't like making these because I never keep them. BUT:

To take care of myself a little better.
Not be so obsessed with my car.
Finish the swap before TX2K8. Doubt I'll be able to drive it but to at least have a first start before then.
Try to control my anxiety issues.

Well, I just returned from lunch and it was a hugh chicken fried chicken so number one is out already.

I'm even more obsessed with the car so strike two.

I did finish swapping motors and DID get a first crank so that I did accomplish before TX2K8.

As far as anxiety, I still worry too much about everything, I don't really ever see that changing without drug intervention.