So one of my friends got a matrix xrs. Everytime so far that we have played we have been rolling so you would think id have the advantage but his car is lighter with about the same amount of power. So from a 30 roll he would get me by about a car(plus i had NO rear tires) so I would spin hella badly in first and then half way through second. Well this last saturday night 5/26 he wanted to practice launching his car so im like ok lets go. We go out by the dump road which has NO cars and NO cops. We line them up and i 3 honk it we both launch and immediately I pull 2 cars on him. I here his car hit his lift point and so does mine i start pulling again a lil bit then around say 60 he starts to catch up a little bit but i end up winning. We did this 12 or 13 times and eveyrtime the out come was me winning by 1/2-3 car lengths. The 1/2 length was me lettinghim launch first then going and also me shifting at 4k. All in all it was good clean fun.
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