1UZ Supra swap


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
Kalamazoo, MI
Flywheel arrived today! Below are the pictures of it being unboxed and expected. Just a couple of critiques which I will list at the bottom.

The picture above shows an indentation in the flywheel where a vise or some other odject must have been used to hold the flywheel in place during machining. Should not affect the flyhweel.

The picture above shows the opposite side of the flywheel with another indentation in the flywheel where a vise or some other odject must have been used to hold the flywheel in place during machining. This is opposite the first mark. Should not affect the flyhweel.

The above picture shows a knick in the contact surface at the inner diameter. The metal does protrude a bit here but since it is located on the very edge of where most clutches will make contact I doubt it will be an issue.

Further critiques than those mentioned above. The un-threaded and threaded holes alike have metal debris in them which will need to be blown out and chased out. The central eight (8) holes were still machined inwards, created oval-like holes. As long as this does not put the flywheel off center, it should be a non-issue.

I am no materials expert, nor have I looked at other flywheels, but are the outer ring of holes too close to the edge of the flywheel. In another words, could side and/or torsional loading ever create stress fractures at these locations? Just a thought and again I am no expert.

Even with the above observations and critiques, I am impressed with the product. It will need to be cleaned and degreased before installation (any recommendations?) and I look forward to running it in the Supra. For those wondering, the flywheel weighed in at 20lbs on my uncalibrated bathroom scale :)


Apr 5, 2005
Hayward , Ca
Looks like you got the setup from the gentleman on lextreme. I read his post last night about these parts he was having machined. Any reason you did not get his belhosusing for the r154 setup? From What I understood, it was made out of a mold to bolt up the UZ to a r154....without the use of any adapters. Or did I read wrong??

Also, can you point me to any wiring pinouts for the UZ engines? I'd like to compare it to a MKIII's and see how much work is involved in the harness swap. Shouldn't be too much more than as in swappnig a 1JZ or 2JZ I assume.

How hard will it be to fabricate a bolt on Mounting bracket? Are there any sources or tips for making them? Iread about using the Lexus's brackets plus the square mounts from a Supra?? I could be worng here agai nthough.

Good luck with the project and thanks for taking time to document this.


Jan 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
Good looking work. I am starting to look in to this swap for myself in the the next year. I will keep an eye on this thread.

edit* aww man Moe wants to do this too...


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
Kalamazoo, MI
suprastanger507mgte said:
Looks like you got the setup from the gentleman on lextreme. I read his post last night about these parts he was having machined. Any reason you did not get his belhosusing for the r154 setup? From What I understood, it was made out of a mold to bolt up the UZ to a r154....without the use of any adapters. Or did I read wrong??

Also, can you point me to any wiring pinouts for the UZ engines? I'd like to compare it to a MKIII's and see how much work is involved in the harness swap. Shouldn't be too much more than as in swappnig a 1JZ or 2JZ I assume.

How hard will it be to fabricate a bolt on Mounting bracket? Are there any sources or tips for making them? Iread about using the Lexus's brackets plus the square mounts from a Supra?? I could be worng here agai nthough.

Good luck with the project and thanks for taking time to document this.

Thanks for the questions Moe. The some of the wiring diagrams may be found here:


However, wire colors and connectors varied on some years/models so not all of the diagrams are at the above link. The diagrams at the above link should be compared to your wiring to determine whether or not they are correct before using them.

The flywheel came from SuperRunner (Rob of supracharged.com) on Lextreme. He has not yet started fabricating bellhousings for the R154 swap and is still in the prototyping phase. Because of this, I went with the TTC Performance V160 adapter (good for the R154 as well) and just need to hunt down a 1jz bell housing.

I haven't gotten to the stage of putting everything together and dropping it in so I cannot say how hard it would be to make the mounts. Some people stick with the circular rubber while others go with the older square rubber between the engine mount bracket and the subframe mounts. If I recall correctly, the subframe mounts are forward of the engine mount brackets so the engine mount brackets have to be adjusted accordingly. Cjsupra90 is making some pretty nice engine mounts and just revised them as well to hopefully allow just enough room to run headers in the MkIII if fabbed properly (right now without them, the area is tight, especially on the driver's side). Chris (Cjsupra90) has pictures up on Lextreme of the old and new mounts.


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
Kalamazoo, MI
Dr Tweak said:
Excellent work. I've wired up a few 1UZ/MK3 swaps, so if you want a plug and play harness, feel free to hit me up by email (drtweak@phoenixtuning.com) or phone (404-474-4573).


Thanks Doc. Redrocco (Brett) over on Lextreme recommended you since you did his harness for his 1UZ/R154 swap into his 86.5 MK3 there in NY. Mentioned a couple of connectors had to be lengthened about 1.5' but otherwise was plug and play. I have notes here from our phone conversation for which connectors if you're interested.


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
Kalamazoo, MI
More parts arrived this week! Starting to get closer to putting stuff together now. The big item I am waiting for is the 1JZ - R154 bell housing so I can bolt together the engine and transmission. I will start feeling like I have accomplished something more than just collecting parts once I have that step completed. It is a definite milestone to this type of project since the engine never came out with a manual transmission.


1UZ-FE AFM (also know as the Lexus AFM to the Supra owners) + air filter enclosure

1UZ-FE wiring harness

1UZ-FE Intake plumbing

1UZ-FE Igniter twin pack


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
Kalamazoo, MI
OneJoeZee;878100 said:
Is this car going to be turbo?

It will not see any forced induction application for at least the first year while I get everything sorted after it is running. Once I am satisfied with the setup then I plan on going with a supercharger such as the M90 or M112 with 6-8 psi, maybe 10 psi max if I can get a good tune so I do not have to break open the bottom end and switch internals.

BTW, I try to smoosh that damn bug every time I see one of your posts.


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
Kalamazoo, MI
mustangnick88;878296 said:
is there much aftermarket for that engine N/A?

Limited support at the moment, at least in the US. Not sure about the Brits, Aussies, and Kiwis though. Of course it also may depend on your definition of aftermarket support since anything can be done with the right amount of money (Though I just don't seem to have the right amount of money :biglaugh: at the moment). Some of the things I have come across while researching the project are:

Cams can (and have been) be reground, headers fabbed (though it is a tight squeeze in the MkIII engine bay), ITBs built (there are some nice ITB setups out there), heads ported/polished (check out Flea's page at http://www.1uzfe.com), pistons and connecting rods replaced, aftermarket ECUs programmed and tuned for it, etc.

Dr Tweak

New Member
milisakeracing;873793 said:
Thanks Doc. Redrocco (Brett) over on Lextreme recommended you since you did his harness for his 1UZ/R154 swap into his 86.5 MK3 there in NY. Mentioned a couple of connectors had to be lengthened about 1.5' but otherwise was plug and play. I have notes here from our phone conversation for which connectors if you're interested.

Yes I'd love to have that info. I emailed him a little while back to see how the harness came out but I didn't hear back from him, I'm glad to hear that he's up and running :)

My email address is drtweak@phoenixtuning.com

I'll make sure those connectors are lengthened on your harness conversion.



Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
the project looks good! used to use a 1uz... but in my ls400 :D

personally i wouldnt be satisfied with the flywheel. when i received my flywheel it was clean and had 0 defects

these projects are always fun too see i know the 1uz can handle a good amount of power stock and if you dabbled into the 2uz area that would be something too!


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
Kalamazoo, MI
tlo86;892274 said:
the project looks good! used to use a 1uz... but in my ls400 :D

personally i wouldnt be satisfied with the flywheel. when i received my flywheel it was clean and had 0 defects

these projects are always fun too see i know the 1uz can handle a good amount of power stock and if you dabbled into the 2uz area that would be something too!

One of the goals of using the 1UZ is the lighter engine. If I recall correctly the 2UZ went back to an iron block as well as a longer stroke. Nothing else against the 2UZ, just not what I am looking for.

On another note, the 1JZ bell housing has an expected delivery date of Feb. 7! I am not sure I will find time this weekend to bolt it up but hopefully by next weekend I will find time and do a quick test fit of the transmission, flywheel, bell housing and adapter. Watch for pictures coming soon!


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
Kalamazoo, MI
Quin;912729 said:
1JZ? I'm assuming that was a typo

If you are referring to the 1JZ bell housing I mentioned, that is not a typo. I am keeping my R154. Using the TTC Performance adapter requires a 1JZ - R154 bell housing to work. The 1JZ bell housing is ~19mm shorter than the 7M bell housing on the R154. The TTC Performance adapter is ~19mm thick which makes up the difference.


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
Kalamazoo, MI
A couple of new updates to add since I have been slacking on updating my build threads.

The transmission was recently taken out and cleaned down with Simple Green and the local U-Wash degreaser along with a good rinse. Everything was buttoned up beforehand. Pictures of before and after can be found at:


This week while starting to strip the cut wiring harness off of the engine and inspecting the timing belt (it will need to be replaced after all, might as well do it while it is out of the car), I decided to do a test fit of SuperRunner's flywheel, TTC Performance's adapter plates, and the 1JZ R154 bell housing from Toyota while I wait on my clutch kit and other various little parts. Pictures of the test fitting can be found at:
