Most likely not. There are a few companies in Cali that are starting to specialize in RHD conversions on hondas/acuras. The easiest route is just to cut/weld the new firewall in. Then it will all bolt up. If you have a stripped chassis, and can weld, or know a really good welder, it's not that hard, I've heard. Just wathc out for shoddy work. Also, check with your local regulations, as in some states, modifying a firewall makes a car "totalled" according to the DMV.
2ndly. If you do attempt this yourself, remember that the firewall is a structural piece. You will have to weld in braces to keep the chassis from collapsing in on itself with the firewall out. This is a necessary part of every RHD conversion I've read/heard about. And measure everything like a zillion times before you weld.