Enough Torque posts. Next one is getting an infraction (NO WARNING).
You can infact run any engine off a different ECU as long as the sensors the ECU are expecting are of the same value AND the ECU is for the same cylinder engine (ie 6 cylinder Ford running semi-batch fire) can run a 1jz, 7m engine in the same configuration as long as you use the ford sensors.
Now the issue is that the 7mgte TCCS is expecting the turbo there. Meaning that we can not verify whether it will work ok or not. IT technically should work but remember that you have to use ALL the 7m-GTE sensors for it to work unless the 1jz sensors are SPOT on to the 7m sensors.
Remember, the engine is just an air pump. The ECU is there to meter the air for said air pump and inject the correct amount of fuel.