OK, I replaced all the plugs, they were had a little carbon on them. It still won't start. I pulled the coil packs for 5 & 6 to see if they were getting spark when I turn it over, and they were. It just turns over, not even a sputter, just making my garage smell like fuel. Plus, there are no error codes when I check. I don't get it. It idled last week with no O2, no MAP sensor, but now that I have them in, nothing. I even tried disconnecting them to see if I could get it to start up again. No luck there either.
When I turn on the ignition, even without the engine turning over, I can sometimes hear the injectors clicking away. I checked the engine, battery, and body grounds, all look and check good with my meter.
When I pulled # 3 spark plug, there was about 1/8 inch of fuel on top of the cylinder, I was able to get most of it out with a rag wrapped around a screwdriver.
Anyone have any ideas?